rimshot Posted December 5, 2006 Posted December 5, 2006 The Amazon/Target bundles have turned out to be a nightmare for people. I ordered console only 11/30 and it arrived this afternoon. Try going directly to the UPS site to check the tracking - it is more accurate then the Amazon onsite tracker.
wnielsen1 Posted December 5, 2006 Posted December 5, 2006 Wii bundle available at Compusa. See here: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=59643
T0mmy Posted December 5, 2006 Posted December 5, 2006 Anyone have any luck getting an extra remote? I haven't even opened Monkeyball or Trauma center, or Rayman, lol. All I've played so far is Zelda. Once I open a different game I'm really gonna be wanting a second remote though.
randiecipper Posted December 5, 2006 Posted December 5, 2006 Okay for all you people here in Placerville, CA Talked to the Walmart "spy" and she said that they have THREE (Yup, 3!) Wii for sale tomorrow...oh yeah, can;t wait for that line!!
rosalia1 Posted December 5, 2006 Posted December 5, 2006 Called 3 Wal-Marts in Lawrenceville, GA, each store has 8 available for tomorrow - no thanks, I won't be standing in any line!!
gryphon Posted December 5, 2006 Posted December 5, 2006 That's ridiculous. As big as Wal Mart is they should have more than that by now. Wonder if that's just a line of bull or the buyer at WM just wasn't on the ball.
Guest Deals4Mommy Posted December 5, 2006 Posted December 5, 2006 savaladez said: I think somebody said it is $24.99 for 3 years at Target.That was me. A manager told me $24.99 for 3 years and I thought what a great incentive to buy your Wii at Target if you can get one. Most stores like TRU charge $29.99 for just 1 year!!! FYI: I was browsing the Target sales paper and noticed that the warranty is mentioned in the Wii ad and says $29.99 for 3 years. May or may not be a typo, but it's just $5 extra if it isn't, so no biggie. Another thing, I think the 3 year warranty applies to ALL their items in electronics that you are able to get a warranty for, based on price. In other words, anything that's around the same price as the Wii has the same warranty. Something to consider if you are buying items like iPods, portable DVD players, etc...
jme621 Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 Just called my walmart, they got nine. They have sign up sheet out right now to put your name on list, only draw back is once you sign you cant leave store. going to call mark, guy i know who works there, every 2 hours to get list updates. no one sign up yet so i should be good to go this time. i did 5 hou\rs in 10 degree weather, so 5 or 6 in store will be a piece of cake. gonna load the mp3 video player up with a couple of movies and im out of here around 2 am hehe. as long as list aint full by then lol. small town i should be good.
Guest Deals4Mommy Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 Also, an extended warranty for 3 years is a good investment. As with any kind of insurance, you would rather have it and not need it, then to need it and NOT have it. If there was a 3 year warranty available for my kids XBox(NOT 360) I would have purchased it. The warranty was only for 1 year and so I skipped it as my experience with electronic items, they usually go out the week after the 1 year warranty expires. It's like they program these things to last that long. Just think, if they build these items to last, there would be no reason to buy another one of whatever it is, in the future.
mammafumfin Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 Local walmart has 34 My wife and sister are standing in line right now, they are numbers 7 and 23. Good thing it is inside.
rosalia1 Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 Thats Great! Glad to hear they will be able to get one!
jme621 Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 mammafumfin said: Local walmart has 34 My wife and sister are standing in line right now, they are numbers 7 and 23. Good thing it is inside.are they allowed to leave? my walmart said once you sign up you cant leave, except a 30 minute break or something
demusx Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 just purchased the target/amazon bundle on Nov 30. Looks like I'm getting screwed also. Have an estimated delivery date of Dec 6-8 but it still has the order as shipping soon. Why post an item that isn't in stock? What should i do now?????amazon is looking pretty bad
com Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 gryphon said: That's ridiculous. As big as Wal Mart is they should have more than that by now. Wonder if that's just a line of bull or the buyer at WM just wasn't on the ball. Actually this is semi accurate. Most retail stores held back some this year on the quantity of items they planned on having in stock. The summer trends of retail shoppers had the stores worried a bit, so they didn't stock up like they usually do, now they are scrambling to try to catch up.
mammafumfin Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 jme621 said: are they allowed to leave? my walmart said once you sign up you cant leave, except a 30 minute break or somethingThey call roll every 30 minutes, if you miss two in a row, you are off the list... So you can roam the store, stop at subway or go to your car and nap for about 45 minutes a clip.
Guest JeepMom Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 We have our wii and have been playing it. Pretty cool, worth the wait. Anyone know where to locate our wii number? Wanna trade wii #'s?
mammafumfin Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 JeepMom said: We have our wii and have been playing it. Pretty cool, worth the wait. Anyone know where to locate our wii number? Wanna trade wii #'s?My wife (this is her screen name...) Has a 97 wrangler. And she won't trade it for the world. I offered her my new truck, so I can use the company car.... but she won't get rid of the Jeep. What kind do you have?
Guest JeepMom Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 mammafumfin said: My wife (this is her screen name...) Has a 97 wrangler. And she won't trade it for the world. I offered her my new truck, so I can use the company car.... but she won't get rid of the Jeep. What kind do you have?Right now we have his & hers CJ 7's. Mine is black, his is redhttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v151/TaylorsMommyJen/100_0243.jpg
HollyBerry Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 rimshot said: The Amazon/Target bundles have turned out to be a nightmare for people.I ordered console only 11/30 and it arrived this afternoon.Try going directly to the UPS site to check the tracking - it is more accurate then the Amazon onsite tracker.Cool...thanks. My system could be here on 12/8....
imingod Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 com said: Actually this is semi accurate. Most retail stores held back some this year on the quantity of items they planned on having in stock. The summer trends of retail shoppers had the stores worried a bit, so they didn't stock up like they usually do, now they are scrambling to try to catch up.I'm sure Wal-Mart is buying as many as Nintendo will give them. The real reason they don't have enough is that Nintendo is simply not producing enough to keep up with overall demand. That's why every store in the world is sold out, you have to stand in line for hours to get one, and they're selling for a 40-70% markup on eBay. On a different note, my brother got in line at the Monroe, GA, Wal-Mart (that's basically the middle of nowhere) at about 11:30 or 12:00 tonight. He was the 7th person in line and apparently they have 8. I had planned to go to the Tucker, GA, Wal-Mart at about 6am, but now that looks unlikely. Good luck to all who try!
verbal8 Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 I got to the Wal Mart in Fairfax, Virginia at 5:45, which I knew was a long shot. The had 30 consoles(had passed out tickets) and 60 people in line. And they were not selling until 8 am. I estimate it would have taken getting there at 4:30 to be successful.
Gator Pam Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 verbal8 said: I estimate it would have taken getting there at 4:30 to be successful.This is what time I got in line at Target on Sunday and I did get one. My local Target had 27 consoles though. I was number 15. I think the last person in line who got one that day was in line by 4:50.
amshal3 Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 Does anybody know if toys R us will have more wii's or any other department store?
HollyBerry Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 amshal3 said: Does anybody know if toys R us will have more wii's or any other department store? You have to call all of your local stores and keep asking, when, how many, line tickets, etc....if you want to score one before Christmas.
jrudy01 Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 imingod said: I'm sure Wal-Mart is buying as many as Nintendo will give them. The real reason they don't have enough is that Nintendo is simply not producing enough to keep up with overall demand. That's why every store in the world is sold out, you have to stand in line for hours to get one, and they're selling for a 40-70% markup on eBay. On a different note, my brother got in line at the Monroe, GA, Wal-Mart (that's basically the middle of nowhere) at about 11:30 or 12:00 tonight. He was the 7th person in line and apparently they have 8. I had planned to go to the Tucker, GA, Wal-Mart at about 6am, but now that looks unlikely. Good luck to all who try!I think it is ridiculous for a store to hold on to wii's or ps3's when they only have a few and they know they will get a line out the door. It just pisses people off more. I understand the business side of it, but in the long run, I believe it leaves a bad experience. That's probably one of the many reasons why people bash walmart so
rimshot Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 Attention: Open up another browser and log into the Circuit City site. They are selling bundles off and on - but good bundles lol The wii console along with an extra wii-mote and nunchuk. $309.97 which is the exact cost of each item. Keep trying back - they are opening them up a few at a time!
blindzero Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 i ordered a amazon/target wii on november 17th and it just got shipped yesterday. i should be thankful sort of...i wanted to cancel it after a week and couldnt because it was in a "shipping soon" status.
jme621 Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 I GOT WII!!!!!! yeah we stood for a long time, but i got one, and two others, called in some favors owed to me. we got there at 9pm and were numbers 5,6,7 out of the 9 available. #9 showed up about 11, so i am glad i went so early. My son is gonna be thrilled in about 19 days!!! MUST SLEEP NOW
Guest Deals4Mommy Posted December 6, 2006 Posted December 6, 2006 jme621 said: I GOT WII!!!!!! yeah we stood for a long time, but i got one, and two others, called in some favors owed to me. we got there at 9pm and were numbers 5,6,7 out of the 9 available. #9 showed up about 11, so i am glad i went so early. My son is gonna be thrilled in about 19 days!!! MUST SLEEP NOW WOW!!! That's a long time to stand in line. I, actually, got in line at 4:30 this morning and Walmart opened up a half hour early, at 6:30, for those of us that were standing in line. I was #2. #3 & 4 came a couple minutes after. The rest came around 5:30 and then there was an unbelievable majority that came just as the store was opening at 7AM and wondering why they had sold out...LOL. Could you believe this people were very upset. I stayed for the store opening at 7AM as they would not sell anything else, not even the controllers before that time. So, I was able to tell these people that it didn't matter if the store opened a half hour early or not, they still had to get in line and they were TOO LATE!!! How can you expect to get a highly sought after item by getting in line 5 minutes before the store opens??? That's crazy. One guy lucked out. He got there last after the Wii & PS3 were sold. He complained just for the sake of complaining, asked for the manager's name, said he was reporting the store, blah, blah, blah...he then apologized, hung around a little and then started to leave. The manager called him back and told them they found a PS3 60GB in the back and he got that one!!! Boy, I wish I could have told the people that took the 20GB PS3(there were only 4). They only took that because they were told there were no 60GB.
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