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When do you send out your Christmas cards?


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Usually by Dec. 8th. My kids have a contest ran by our little post office, to bring as many cards as they can to mail. Each class has a tally of which one brought the most, and they win a pizza party or something! The PO does it to promote getting your holiday mail out early. Last year my oldest sons class won, it doesn't hurt that their 1 grandma sends out about 300 cards:eyepoppin
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Year before last we had so much on our platter that I completely forgot about them. Last year we had a really bad year so I just figured cutting out that money I would have spent on stamps was a good idea. This year I am thinking why bother lol noone noticed the last two years so doubtful I will send them this year. I do have two or three people I just buy cards for and send and I will continue to do that the first week in December.
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