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sales on ipods?


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Looks like the newly posted Best Buy stuff has an IPOD on sale a bit.


But, may I recommend what I use, an RCA Lyra. Here's a link to the 40 meg one, I bought the 20 meg one about a year ago:




So, that's about $200 for 40 megs, I don't think you can beat that. The Best Buy Ipod is $400 for 20 megs.


I honestly don't see why this player never caught on, I love it, find it very easy to use, and it doesn't use any kind of proprietary format, like I understand that ipod does. It's a little thicker than an IPOD, but it's not very heavy, I take it everywhere, to work and the gym, and have no problems with it.

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I've read some pretty good reviews on the Creative Nomad MP3's, saying the sound is just as good as IPOD, the battery life is longer and the batterys are easily replaceable (the only knock was they said they felt the case was better on the IPOD. Haven't used one myself but going to give it a try....Walmart has one online sale now for a 30GB for 179.99
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I actually bought my son this Mp3 player for his Birthday in October (well, the 40GB--but looks the same LOL) and it's great--the only thing he needed was new headphones--the cheap buds that came with it were tinny sounding. It's been great--he takes it everywhere and it holds every CD we own and then some!! I think he's used about 8 GB. It has a metallic case and comes with a cute black case that protects it somewhat--I like it, it's easy for me to read and the software was extremely easy to install on my computer!!
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I actually bought my son this Mp3 player for his Birthday in October (well, the 40GB--but looks the same LOL) and it's great--the only thing he needed was new headphones--the cheap buds that came with it were tinny sounding. It's been great--he takes it everywhere and it holds every CD we own and then some!! I think he's used about 8 GB. It has a metallic case and comes with a cute black case that protects it somewhat--I like it, it's easy for me to read and the software was extremely easy to install on my computer!!

I heard the same thing about the earphones, but I hear that about most factory included earphones. They also said that this and the IPOD use the exact same hard drive. So it seems like a good deal, what do you think of the price, seen them anylower?

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I haven't seen them lower than that-CC has the 40GB one for $249 after $20 rebate with a 15% Gift Card. For the $40 difference between the two versions after the gift card and the rebates it's pretty much a toss up. I think I'd go for the one at Wal Mart though--no rebate forms to deal with LOL. The wal mart price is down to $174.63 for the 30GB Creative Nomad. 30GB of space is a LOT of room for music and files. My laptop's hard drive is only 40GB and it only has 14GB of stuff on it :-)
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