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Sounds like a thread I can use too, but I don't have permission to see it. :(

First Welcome to GottaDeal!


I am assuming you can't access that thread because it is in the Lounge, which you must request to have access to. To do that, Private Message Brad or RossMAN and request the access.


But until then, here is the list on that thread:



1-4-1 = One For One-even exchange of items

ADDY = Address

ADN = Any Day Now

AFAIK = As Far As I Know

AFK = Away From the Keyboard

AWGTHTGTTA=Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again

B1G1F = Buy One Get One Free

B4N = Bye for Now

BBL = Be Back Later

BBR = Burnt Beyond Repair

BBS = Bulletin Board System

BBW = buybidwin

BD = Brain Dead..lol

B&M = Brick & mortar(Real Store/not online)

BRB = Be right back

BFL = BrandsForLess.com

BIL = Brother In Law

BTA = But Then Again (in response to IOW)

BTW = By The Way

BYAM = Between you and me

C/O = Cents off/coupon

CRS = Coupon/Rebate Swap

CRT = Cash Register Tape

CS = Customer Service

CSR = Customer Service Reps

CU = See you

CUL = See you Later

DD = Darling or Dear daughter

DH = Darling or Dear Husband

DIIK = Damned If I Know

DIY = Do it yourself

D/L/DL = Download

DOD = Deal of the Day/Department of Defense

DOM = Dirty Old Man

DP's = Destination Points (at Free Ride)

DS = Darling or Dear son

DTRT = Do The Right Thing

DWIMC = Do What I Mean, Correctly

EOT = End Of Thread (ie. don't reply to this message)

FIL = Father-in-law

FISH = First In, Still Here

FITB = Fill In The Blank

FOAF = Friend of A Friend

FORMS = Mail-in portion of a refund/rebate

FOB = Fresh off the Boat

FOS = Freedom Of Speech

FR = Freeride

FSOT = For Sale or Trade

FTTT = From Time To Time

FWIW = For What It's Worth

FYI = For your information

GC = Gift Certificate

GDA = Good deal alert

GFY = Good for you

GLGH = Good Luck and Good Hunting

GTG = Got to Go

GR = Giant Rewards

GSS = Garage Sale Specialties

HBA = Health and Beauty Aids

HT/HGT = Hang tag

HTH = Hope This/That Helps - Happy To Help

IAC/IAE= In Any Case/Event

IC = I See

IIRC = If I recall correctly

IM = Instant message

IMHO = In My Honest Opinion (Also: In My Humble Opinion)

ISO = In Search Of

JMHO = Just My Honest Opinion

LMAO = Laughing My Ass Off

IMCO = In my considered opinion

IMHO = In My Humble Opinion

IMO = In My Opinion

IOW = In Other Words

IWBNI = It Would Be Nice If

JIC = Just In Case

LMK = Let Me Know

LOL = Laughing Out Loud or Lots of Luck

LPG = Lower Price Guarantee

LSASE = Long self addressed stamped envelope

LWIF = Look What I Found

MC = My coupon

MIL = Mother-in-Law

NAZ = Name Address Zip code

NED = No expiration date

NT = No Texts

OIC = Oh, I See

OOS = Out of Stock

OP = Original Poster

OTOH = On The Other Hand

P = Parenting

PH = Pizza Hut

PIN = Personal Identification Number

PITA = Pain In The Ass

PLMK = Please let me know

PM = Personal message

PMFBI = Pardon Me For Butting In

PO = Post Office Box

POP = Proof of Purchase

RAOK = Random Act of Kindness

ROFL = Rolling on the Floor Laughing

ROFLMAO= Rolling on the Floor Laughing My Ass Off

RP = Rewards Programs

SAHM = Stay At Home Mom

SASE = Self Addressed Stamped Envelope

SIL = Sister in-law

SO = Significant Other

SS = Startsampling

TAFN = That's All For Now

TAFT = That's a frightening thought

TANJ = There Ain't No Justice

TDM = Too Damn Many

TGIF = Thank God Its Friday

TIA = Thanks In Advance

TNSTAAFL=There's No Such Thing As A Free Lunch

TMF = Try Me Free

TOS = Terms of Service

TRU = Toys R Us

TTBOMK = To The Best Of My Knowledge

TTFN = Ta-Ta For Now

TTYL = Talk to you later

TY = Thank you

U/L/UL = Upload

UPC = Universal Product Code

WFM = Works For Me

WHN = WhatsHotNow.com

W/L = Wish list

ITA - I totally agree

KWIM - know what I mean

WAHM - Work at home Mom


Just for clarification, if I understand correctly Lounge access is granted automatically to members once they have a certain number of posts. It can be granted earlier by contacting one of the admins. Is this correct?


I am assuming you can't access that thread because it is in the Lounge, which you must request to have access to. To do that, Private Message Brad or RossMAN and request the access.


Just for clarification, if I understand correctly Lounge access is granted automatically to members once they have a certain number of posts. It can be granted earlier by contacting one of the admins. Is this correct?

Yes that's correct :)
Guest qapla

But until then, here is the list on that thread:

Thanks for the list. I suspect I'll be returning to it from time to time. Somebody went to a lot of work to put it together, I imagine.


As for the lounge, I'll check what/where that is later. Doing a search for 'lounge' got me more matches than I can look at for now.

Excellent list. We'll probably borrow it (and add some more terms to it) for all the new Black Friday visitors in a couple months.

Eeek! I can't take credit for the list! All I did was copy and pasted it on this thread from the link that BayHaySay provided. I c & ped it because the person was not able to see the GottaLounge at that time. The real credit belongs to the person who compiled the list originally and that is FireBabe: http://forums.gottadeal.com/member.php?u=14701


Thanks to FireBabe for originally compiling the list--and thanks again to noehlp for reposting it for those of us who didn't see it the 1st time. :)


Don't forget to add WMC to the list.



Okay, I will bite! http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs6/i/2005/093/4/c/Aquarium_by_LissaMonster.gif


What does WMC stand for, Scott?

  • 4 years later...

Eeek! I can't take credit for the list! All I did was copy and pasted it on this thread from the link that BayHaySay provided. I c & ped it because the person was not able to see the GottaLounge at that time. The real credit belongs to the person who compiled the list originally and that is FireBabe: http://forums.gottadeal.com/member.php?u=14701

has anyone heard from firebabe?i forgot about her til i saw her name here


thanks for posting this people were using them in the black friday threads and i was all omg what are they saying?!!?

i agree, i have been wondering what some of them were for over a year now. The list really, really helps.....thank you!!!!

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