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Are they a baby's tennis shoes, or adult tennis shoes that 'only' have three sets of holes and you're looking for 'short' laces? I've found (kids and up) laces of almost all sizes in the shoe dept. at WalMart and in the baby dept there for baby shoes. Also some dollar stores. Also all sizes except 'infant' at several PayLess Shoes or similiar places. OnLine shoe stores and ebay have almost any length you can think of.


Of course, if you reeallllllllly have problems finding the right length, you can always cut a full size lace down to the right length and dip the cut end of it in wax and 'roll' it between your fingers while the wax is still warm, to form a 'shoe lace tip' shape.



Mary Stacks

[email protected]


They are for a pair of baby shoes that I bought at a garage sale still in the box with with no shoelaces!! I looked in the shoe department at walmart but not in the baby dept. maybe they are there? I also had no luck at the dollar store. I like the ribbon idea but don't know yet if it's a boy or girl!


The shoes are navy canvas with white stars - very cute!


You could easily do red laces and still have them be gender neutral.


Good luck in finding them. I've never looked for baby shoe laces (yet).

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