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Contest: Discuss Black Friday & Win an iPad mini [Winner Posted]

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Already making my lists but am waiting for Macy's and JC Penney to release their ads.  Checking to see if they are going to have the snow globes at a different time than opening like they did last year. :runaway:


This is a great way to generate participation.  I have been very busy and not on the boards until today but I definitely am motivated to participate more in order to win this prize!  Way to go Gotta Deal.  That is why I love this site.


Lots of new ads getting posted, perfect opportunity to get those entries by discussing the ads in the "Posted BF Ads" subforum - post the best deals you find, ask questions about stuff in the ads, etc...


Well the best deal in Targets add is the Lego movie. It retails for around 40 dollars and they have it for 9 on BF. And that is the 3D bundle that is a great price.

Waiting for the cream of the crop The Wal Mart add it is the bar none BF add of all adds.

I wish I could post more although I've been a member for years and come year rou d but unfortunately I take advantage of the posted deals and offer very little in return :/

only me......About to post in tech forum about if a 3D bluray player will allow use of regular tv for 3D bluray discs, when I CANNOT view 3D. The power of being suckered into an unncessary upgrade by sale prices:P


Ready to rock and roll this week!

Gotta shout out to Brad and the whole team: especially the product lists for helping me organize and conquer yet again!

Best deals for me so far:


Meijer Tday iPad mini $239 w$100 gc Meijer


And oddly enough giant bucket of tidy cats litter at Petsmart $7 "score" ;)


I like when they did the retro buttons a few years back.

My dad and I were in store and one of the workers that was helping him gave us a truckload.... that was fun!  

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