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What's the best way to go on a Playstation 2 console? Everyone seems to have them for 149.99, is that likely to come down? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Ah well, figured as much. Too popular still for drastic price reductions. And I don't feel like waiting for PS3's to come out to buy a PS2 so I pricegrabbed it for $143 and change (all-in.) Hope my 95%-rated vendor doesn't leave me with the 5% end of the stick.
You can get it at Target for $135 if apply for the Target Visa card (10%off 1st purchase) Civicracinggirl7 is right that it should drop to that price by then. But of course alot of people predicted it was to drop at least to $129 when the Xbox360 came out, but it didn't.

You can get it at Target for $135 if apply for the Target Visa card (10%off 1st purchase) Civicracinggirl7 is right that it should drop to that price by then. But of course alot of people predicted it was to drop at least to $129 when the Xbox360 came out, but it didn't.

The 360 isn't really in stores yet, so there could still be a price drop on the ps2 when the 360 does actually begin getting stocked on the shelves.

If you want a PS2 I'd go for a used one. Like a previous poster said, EBgames or Gamestop have them at a really good price. You can also buy an extended warranty. Within the next year besides the XBox 360, which is already out, there will be the new PS3 and Nintento Revolution consoles and you will be kicking yourself in the butt for buying a new PS2 when you see it's price drop.

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