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Portable DVD Player

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I am looking for a portable DVD Player with a 7 inch screen or larger. I do not want one that folds and bends (this is for small children on car trips). Radio Shack had one but the screen was only like 3 inches (that is just too small). I really don't want to spend more than 130.00 and I can't buy it until 12/15 (payday). TIA
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non-folding/bending is gonna be your issue...pretty much the only ones like that are designed specifically for kids, so i'd say try toys r us..only problem is most of them have very small screens


this was the only one i could find on amazon with a decent size screen, a bit out of your price range tho http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0007GP5VG/qid=1134369349/sr=8-8/ref=pd_bbs_8/102-4415407-9667351?n=507846&s=electronics&v=glance


if you're worried about little hands, maybe look into a headrest-mounted set? they're a bit more expensive but they come as a set so each kid has a screen in front of them

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