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Family Fun Magazine $1.49/10 issues ~ Vegetarian Times $1.99/10 issues


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Family Fun, the country's number one family magazine, provides great tips and ideas for parents looking to enhance the time spent with their children. Family Fun is the family expert on books, travel, food, crafts, parties, holidays, games, activities, and products--all the essentials that enrich the important time parents and children share. Family Fun magazine's Toy of the Year (T.O.Y.) Awards, announced each year in our November issue, has created an industry standard for child-testing products. This is the perfect read to help make your family time more enjoyable. Family Fun Magazine Subscription: 10 issues per year.



Get 10 issues for $1.49 ($0.15 per issue)

Get 30 issues for $4.85 ($0.16 per issue) (lock in that price for 3 years...)






Vegetarian Times is your guide to great food, good health and smart living! Vegetarian Times is the only magazine that offers healthier new recipes for classic food dishes. Every issue of Vegetarian Times is packed with dozens of delicious recipes, health news and advisories, research reports, tips about diet, nutrition and exercise, herbs and natural remedies and much, much more! Know which healthy foods you should eat. Find out which foods to avoid. Discover how to cure aches and pains with secret foods. Vegetarian Times brings you everything you need to eat right, stay well and feel great!




Get 10 issues for $1.99 ($0.20 per issue)

Get 20 issues for $3.59 ($0.18 per issue)

Get 30 issues for $5.10 ($0.17 per issue) (and lock in that price for 3 years!)






I don't have kids, and I'm not a vegetarian... But these prices sure sounded good!

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Alimfp -- it's too close to Christmas for the first issue to arrive (usually 10-12 weeks). I suggest you pick up *gulp* pick up a copy at the newsstand and gift wrap it (problem there is that the newsstand price is probably more than than the subscription)... Or just include a personal note in with your card to her.


At these prices, these online companies don't send out gift announcements.

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Marcster --

Thanks to your post I have been having a great time picking out "stocking stuffer" gifts for my whole family. This was really good timing and feels great to get something checked off my list! I am just confirming my brother and sisters addresses for the gift subscriptions and have added this site to my online favorites. I love meta-search sites that do much of the legwork for you (including finding the coupon codes to use for best prices).




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Marcster --

Thanks to your post I have been having a great time picking out "stocking stuffer" gifts for my whole family. This was really good timing and feels great to get something checked off my list! I am just confirming my brother and sisters addresses for the gift subscriptions and have added this site to my online favorites. I love meta-search sites that do much of the legwork for you (including finding the coupon codes to use for best prices).




Happy to help... I've picked up some amazing deals over the past 1+ years through magazinepricesearch.com. Like The Week, a weekly news magazine, for $4.16 per year. :coffeetim I locked that in for 4 years! That's less than $.10 per issue!!! (It's available for $24.95 per year now).

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Vegetarian Times is your guide to great food, good health and smart living! Vegetarian Times is the only magazine that offers healthier new recipes for classic food dishes. Every issue of Vegetarian Times is packed with dozens of delicious recipes, health news and advisories, research reports, tips about diet, nutrition and exercise, herbs and natural remedies and much, much more! Know which healthy foods you should eat. Find out which foods to avoid. Discover how to cure aches and pains with secret foods. Vegetarian Times brings you everything you need to eat right, stay well and feel great!




Get 10 issues for $1.99 ($0.20 per issue)

Get 20 issues for $3.59 ($0.18 per issue)

Get 30 issues for $5.10 ($0.17 per issue) (and lock in that price for 3 years!)






I don't have kids, and I'm not a vegetarian... But these prices sure sounded good!

wow i got 30 issues for $5.10:clapping:
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I love Family Fun. I have been getting it since before my first was born! It has fun activities, crafts, recipes, and fun ideas for travel with kids (Heaven knows we need all the help we can get).


A couple of years ago my sister gave it as a gift and since it wouldn't be delivered in time she bought one on the newstand for each family and then picked up the supplies for one of the projects in that issue. She wrapped them all up in a gift basket and it made a GREAT family gift.


Merry Christmas Everyone!

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