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need help with hubby stocking


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:gd_stars: :gd_stars: i am lost on what ot put in my hubbies stocking this year.. i got him socks ,hunting gloves, and going to get his favorite candy just like the kids,, he is a big kid,,,i got him putter games and stuff he wanted for his presents but lost when comes to stocking i thought about cologne but he likes the real costly stuff little bottle $30:eyepoppin so i am asking for ideas,, he is 29 years old he is more of a tee shirt and jeans person not dress up even thou he could us some new dress cloths but will not fit in stocking lol


thanks jennifer :wife::confused:

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Have you browsed Sierra trading post (www.sierratradingpost.com) for things? I often find little things for the hunter/outdoorsy types on my lists there.


If $$ is short, maybe making batches of his fav. candies, cookies, chex mix, etc... and wrap them in hoiday bags or containers. Nice office supplies are also fun. My dh has a stocking with about 10 little pockets that my mom sewed for him. We do all sorts of tiny things in them.


Anyway, hope this helps.

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I always look in the travel size items at the store so far I have gotten my hubby travel sizes of shaving cream and axe spray they are just the perfect size and don't usually cost more than $1. You could get car air fresheners, key chain, toothbrush, a Razor. Also if you have a Spencer's close by they have a lot of fun items. I love filling stockings so if I think of more I will let you know!:D
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Music cd's, dvd's, magazine subscription-then put a postcard type thing with a note saying he's got the subscription coming-amazon lets you print those even if you don't buy from them, favorite brand of sunglasses, cell phone case, video games, gift card to favorite store like BB or Gander Mtn, Does he golf? - golf balls, tees, divots
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my hubby is a funny guy i guess,he will not use capstick, he said does not like way it feels on his lips, lol but lottery tickets that is good idea my dad gives all us kids 10.00 worth every year then we scracth to see who won the most.usally my little brother who will just be 16 this year has no expense dad still pays for everything.. i will just have to walk around stores i guess till things jump in the cart.. thanks
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