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Any deals after Christmas day


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Many stores have sales after Christmas. The day before Christmas or so there will be ads in the paper letting you know about the times, percentage off and the items. Most stores have to reduce items and get rid of it because they'll already have spring stock in their warehouse.
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I know of a family here that does their Christmas the week after actually. They do get together on Christmas day for a meal, but don't actually do gift exchange until the week after. There are either 8 or 9 kids (all grown) pllus grandkids, etc. and they shop after Christmas when they can get things a lot cheaper. A lot of them use their Christmas bonuses from work to shop.


I always hit the day after Christmas and I love it! Not that I buy presents, but I buy decorations, etc for the next year and I always manage to buy some things for myself :giggle:

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we alway wait till like the week after more good deals if anything left alot of time we get stuff 90% off of what is left.. if there is something really wanting i got after x mas if not i wait till week after and see what is left and that is what i buy got some very pretty candles,lot of light refills and tinsel and other stuff last year very cheap
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Last year was my first day after Christmas shopping with my best friend who was here from FLorida. I had a BLAST! I believe Target is open at 7:00 (will be checking that this week) and I think Treasure Island is open at 8. I did manage to get ALOT. I got at Target all my paper and tags, and whatever I "really" wanted at 50% off. I did manage to get service for 12 christmas dishes and wine glasses for under 50 bucks. I am going to shoot for Outdoor decorations this year at 50 off. Most of the stuff I will go back for 75 off and see what I can get. Always wait for the paper to go 75, there is SOOO much of it, that you'll be sure to find it at 75.


But I like Treasure Island and I got alot of Hallmark ornaments at 50 off the day after. I'd love to get that star for the tree.

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