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Who else is glad they avoided CC?

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I went back and forth on wether to go to CC or BestBuy first for BF. I eventually decided to go to neither, and after reading a lot of these posts about some of the horror stories I am glad I didn't go. I instead went to Compusa for the midnight opening, then to Staples, OD, then stopped at Walmart and Target. I was able to get almost everything I was after, and home before 8:00am. I am so sorry to hear about the problems and poor customer service some of you went through, and I do hope you get any problems resolved.
We only have 1 CC near us so it was pretty hectic, people were parking anywhere and it was hard to get around. That was like at 10:20 am, so I could not even imagine what it was like when it opened. :rolleyes:

I walked into our CC at 8:30 am and they were still swamped.


I saw a lady in line with 20 DVDs in her hands and I said, "WOW! That's a lot of movies to watch tonight!" She told me that she'd been waiting in line for 3 hours and the line hadn't moved in an hour and a half.


With that, she put down her movies and walked out. We followed her and her daughter...


Our CC is dark and depressing anyway.


I'm glad we went to CC, the main thing we were after is the MP3 Player and we got there just in time.


30 minutes after the store opened they were out of the MP3 Players.

CC was my main target. Got to the parking lot at 8:30pm. Outside by 10pm. I was the third warm body in line. Got the laptop and AOL and it took one hour to checkout. I might try it again next year.
I am glad that I didn't go to CC because by 11p.m. the line was along side the building, thru the parking lot and up on the sidewalk. When we went today, we heard from the sales associates how bad it really was and how bad folk were acting.
We went at 4:45 am and my friend got the flyer for her TV. She went right into the correct colored coded line to pay for it and after being harressed first by the employee they had standing at the line to upsell the accessories and warranty and the check out girl with the same questions as the first employee we got out a 6:45 am.
  zgamer said:

I actually went to CC and it was much better than BB or WM in my area.

I third this statement. BB & WM are the ones I avoid. CC wasn't a stroll in the park, but there were helpful staff in my location. I found one item on my own and relied on staff for my other items.


  RossMAN said:

I'm glad we went to CC, the main thing we were after is the MP3 Player and we got there just in time.

I saw my aunt in Staples after missing out on that deal in CC. She got there well after opening, and I could have easily grabbed it for her since I was in the first surge of people through the door. (That Staples had sold out of them, too.)
Our CC was also great. We got in line at 4:30 am. We were like 50 in line at that door. The other door was in the mall so i think that was were most people lined up. I got everything I needed and for some reason found a register with no line. I was out of there by 5:20. I couldn't believe it. I ended up getting the FAR items, 4 512 mbsecure digital cards and the wireless keyboard. We had to walk through the store to get to our car and it was a madhouse. As soon as we were out of line and looked at the line and it was halfway through the store. I don't know how me and my mom found this register with no one in line.
I'm glad I went to CC first. But then again I didn't go there for the big ticket items. I got the stuff I wanted and got out so I could get to Staples. I walked pass a long line on my way out of CC. I believe it was for those laptops and desktops.
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