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How Many Gameboy SP's At Your Walmart?

Dust N Bones

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Guest all2tired
I have no clue. My hubby said I couldn't get one for my son. He already has a game system at home and the car dvd player I just bought has a games in it.
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I haven't seen any mention of the Gameboy SP's yet. Our Walmart only had 20 which shocked me. I wasn't surprised with the limited quantities on the desktop or laptop but I thought for sure they would have at least a 100 Gameboys.

Our Walmart had run out of them when me and my wife(2 months Pregnant:hearthrob ) and our little girl arrived after my overnight adventure at Best Buy. My wife was dissapointed! 20 min later while I was looking for rechargable batteries for our new C360 a sales person asked who wanted gameboy sp's. They had found 6 more. So a succesful day on my first black friday:D .

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Our WM had 40. They were only selling 1 per person also so I had to call my mom over to stand with me so I could get one for each son. The line was soooo long and the WM people let people stand in line until around 5:30 am before they starting counting and telling the back of the line they were out of luck.


I was amazed at how long the line was for this older Gameboy. Really, really long. All in all WM handled the situation well because they managed the line and kept the gameboys behind the counter to sell as the associate in the front of the line brought each customer up one by one. It made the line go slow but it stopped any line jumping.

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I counted - my WM had 50 of them. It was one per person, and everyone I saw adhered to that so that those all through the line had a chance to get one as well. There was no line cutting and nobody trying to take more than they were allowed. I was very impressed. I was 2nd in line, so I got to choose my color, but most everybody else had to take the pearl blue, but they can bring it back and exchange for a different color later.
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I could not believe the service at our Wal-Mart. They probably had about 40 of them. It was chaos, they had to unlock the glass door and then follow the employee all the way to the front of the store and pay for them. I stuck to him like glue, but by the time he got to me, he ran out. (People jumped in on the band wagon and he gave mine away :mad: ) I was patient and followed him back to electronics. Then he ran out. I was disappointed but then the assistant manager started marking down the $80.00/newer ones (Supposedly a better gameboy) to the $48.88 sale price. I was amazed! :yay: Finally I was in the right place at the right time! I got 2 of them! Thank you Wal-Mart. I plan on taking Mike in electronics a plate of cookies!
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My Walmart had over 100, well it appeared that way, they had mixed the sale priced one with the ones that weren't on sale. The difference between the two? I have no idea, but mine rang up 79.00, so I had them get the manager. I told him I was the 2nd or so person at the case, and how it wasn't my fault, nor problem that they mixed them, so he let me have it for the 48.88.


Our Walmart unlocked the case and left it that way, it was turning into a free for all, glad I got mine early.

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Im gonna guess maybe 100-150 @ our walmart, they just had them in a buggy, just red and blue ones, and didnt bring them out till 10 minutes till, some of us that had been standing there for 2-3 hours already were begining to panic because lady @ electronics supposevly had no idea if or how many. But I got my 3 plus 3 more I was getting for others that were in other lines getting stuff for me also.
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How do you know if it's a new screen or old screen one?


The newer screens only come in a pearl blue, and onyx (black)


The older screens come in the red, blue, silver, black.



There is a difference in the onyx black, and the older black. Original prices ($79) were the same for both so made no sense to me.


So technically it was the older ones that were the $48.88.


Those of you that got the newer backlight screens for sale price-----Good Deal!

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no idea, i pushed my way back (electronics was packed to the gills, everyone smushed up against each other) to ask for one about 10 mins after opening & they were already sold out, so i was thinking wow they must not have had many, but then i saw a woman with 4 in her hands so now im thinking they had a decent amt but a lot of ppl got multiples...why can't they limit quantities on these things that everyone wants? i saw someone with 6 of the portable dvd players in their cart! so unfair esp to ppl who waited hours & only missed out bc someone in front of them took 8!
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There were plenty at my local WalMart, but they were all the older versions, so I wasn't interested at all. The frontlit screen on them is actually pretty crappy. I would've bought it for $25, but any more than that is a complete ripoff for this crap, especially when you can buy a Nintendo DS for $130.
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