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black friday fun in sioux falls


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I left for sioux falls at 10 and arrived at best buy around 10:45 only to find that there were already too many people in line to get a laptop, and keep in mind it was cold out, about 20 degrees or less. I guess by 8 already there were 10 to 15 in line.


I decided to drive to the wal-mart supercenter a couple miles north of best buy... got there around 11:30 to find that is was open all night and somewhat busy but mostly normal shoppers from the night before... it got quieter and was quite calm around 12:30 AM, and there was no line for the 50 laptops they had selling for $379, so I decided to do some shopping for normal items then wait in my car a bit.


Around 1:45 I went back in and the first couple people were in line, so I decided to get in queue. The casher who was working a 4PM to 5AM shift and had been there all night told us we could pull up some folding chairs, so we did and the first 5-10 of us created a blockade on one side of the asile and the line formed back in electronics.


People were coming in at a slow pace until about 3:30, when they really started to come in at larger numbers. At around 3:45 to 4 was when the line for the laptops was finally full. For the next hour you had some furious women that would abandon their carts and walk off when they heard all the laptops were accounted for (around 4:15 they issued numbers to everyone to prevent skipping.. I was number 2) ... it was fun watching the madness as I waited for 5 to roll around. Got my laptop, a 23 inch TV, and left and here I am. :)


How fun indeed. My first black friday. It seems that leaving the store opened kept things MUCH more orderly... people had time to prioritize which items they wanted and form lines distributed throughout the store instead of a mad rush at the door.

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