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Southern CA BB People in line ALREADY for Xbox 360


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On the Californian topic: I've had many out-of-state relatives and visitors come by and something I've heard when I've gone to other states:


"You have a California accent."


WHAT THE HECK IS A CALIFORNIA ACCENT?! And of course I say, "No, YOU have an accent." My Texan cousin even said we talk faster.


I love this state though. Sure, we're a little wacky and "risque" about certain things but I wouldnt have it any other way.


It was in the mid 80s today. November 21. 80 Degrees.

Suck on that, Maine.*




*Nah, you're cool Maine. You provide us with delicious lobster. Unlike that give-nothing state, Wyoming. What do they have pride in? Being close to Canada?

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