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do any walmarts give out tickets??

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Guest clips2save

I have no idea what my store is doing. Everytime I talk to someone & ask questions I get a different answer. It seems like one hand doesn't know what the other is doing ( to put it kindly ).


I have been told store will close to set up, a map of where everything is located will be handed out at 4 a.m.


Then I was told closing, no map & will have to make a mad dash to try to figure out where everything is.


Then I was told not closing ask where things are & line up.


I would like to get the same answer at least twice.

  Gporter34 said:

My WM does not give out tickets. They simply say "first come, first serve" until the very limited items run out.

I hope you're wearing tennis shoes and have hockey gear on because you're going to need it.
  RossMAN said:

I hope you're wearing tennis shoes and have hockey gear on because you're going to need it.

:loli: Ross, you would be proud. LMAO I have been doing recon at WM for a week now! I even talked one of the guys there into letting me see the map Saturday. Now I know where the laptops will be and I will be in there no later than 1am as our store is NOT closing!!! Also, I have friends who will be working that day and I am getting some things for them so they are going to let me know on my walkie talkie when they are about to come out with the laptops and the portable DVD players. The girl in electronics is a friend who is going to hold onto two GameBoy SPs until I can get my hands on them!!! Let the games begin!!!
Guest clips2save
I am really surprised that they would not be doing it in an orderly manner to avoid lawsuits incase someone gets hurt. What about the older people who may want something that day, not to mention those who may have health conditions. Lines with handing out coupon seems like a better and safer plan for all.
Guest clips2save
  Gporter34 said:

:loli: Ross, you would be proud. LMAO I have been doing recon at WM for a week now! I even talked one of the guys there into letting me see the map Saturday. Now I know where the laptops will be and I will be in there no later than 1am as our store is NOT closing!!! Also, I have friends who will be working that day and I am getting some things for them so they are going to let me know on my walkie talkie when they are about to come out with the laptops and the portable DVD players. The girl in electronics is a friend who is going to hold onto two GameBoy SPs until I can get my hands on them!!! Let the games begin!!!

OK fess up where are they gonna be!! Wonder if each store will put in same place or place where ever they want?

Guest clips2save
ok how do you delete double post?

two years ago we went to walmart and instead of haveing the tv's computers out they were sale people at front of store at a table they had one of each item on table. and you walked up got a scan tag and took it to the reg with you.. saved lot of space in cart and they had them all in a trailer for people who were putting them in layawayi guess they figured more put them in lay a way... so they would not haveot drag them back and forth



was confusing for the shoppers thou we were all looking for them and could not find them we were done and figured it out so got back in line again after we got are scan tags...


but it did make it to were there was no fighting for them because you had ot get it from a wal mart employee..


i am not sure what the other wal marts did last year or that year also . that was the first time i have been able to go hubby usally goes...

i get ot go this year so far in less babysitter cancels on me.. it will be just my luck she is 14 so you know how easy they change there minds...

  clips2save said:

I would like to get the same answer at least twice.

I felt the same way last week when I was inquiring about the 360s. The electronics manager wouldn't come and talk to me because "she's out on the trailer and said she can't talk to a customer right now", so after getting two different answers from two electronics department employees, I went and found the store manager and got a direct answer from him.

  clips2save said:

I am really surprised that they would not be doing it in an orderly manner to avoid lawsuits incase someone gets hurt. What about the older people who may want something that day, not to mention those who may have health conditions. Lines with handing out coupon seems like a better and safer plan for all.


Oh come on!! A few minor cuts and pains. A few bandaids should hlep. :trampolin

Ive seen them do it for the trampolene a few years back. you were in line you paid for then got the ticket though and had to drive around back to pick it up
  Gporter34 said:

:loli: Ross, you would be proud. LMAO I have been doing recon at WM for a week now! I even talked one of the guys there into letting me see the map Saturday. Now I know where the laptops will be and I will be in there no later than 1am as our store is NOT closing!!! Also, I have friends who will be working that day and I am getting some things for them so they are going to let me know on my walkie talkie when they are about to come out with the laptops and the portable DVD players. The girl in electronics is a friend who is going to hold onto two GameBoy SPs until I can get my hands on them!!! Let the games begin!!!

Let the games begin? It doesn't sound like you're playing the same game as me! You've got several edges compared to other shoppers. While I don't have an issue so much with you knowing where items will be, I do have an issue with an employee holding merchandise for you. That's not fair at all. Sorry, just MHO. I think you deserve as much as you can get with all the work you've done, but having someone hold merchandise for you is wrong.

High dollar limited supply items (laptops and desktops) may ticketed, depending on each store. Whether a store chooses to use a ticket system or not is the decision of the store manager.
That would be rotten! I'm in serious need of a new computer (this clunker is heading towards its 10th birthday) but there's no way I'd win in the "Mad dash" - I'm disabled. Here's to hoping my walmart will have some kind of line or ticket or something!
Last year on the TV's and other large items, walmart gave you a barcode ticket and you checked out and picked the item up in a 18 wheeler trailer on the side of the store. They had plenty of the large items on the truck!
I have never heard of a Wal-Mart handing out tickets. Never been to Wal-Mart first though, I don't wanna get trampled that bad. I usually end up at Circuit City first then hit the mall.

Ours hands out tickets for the big items (tv's and computers) and they have trailers in the parking lot and you bring your car around to pick them up. It worked very nice when I bought the 27" tv last year. They helped me put it in the car too!


To my understanding, they had problems with people grabbing the big tv's and putting them in carts and then they topple over and break.

  blueyedgirl78 said:

Ours hands out tickets for the big items (tv's and computers) and they have trailers in the parking lot and you bring your car around to pick them up. It worked very nice when I bought the 27" tv last year. They helped me put it in the car too!


To my understanding, they had problems with people grabbing the big tv's and putting them in carts and then they topple over and break.


People at WM are HARDCORE when it comes to BF shopping:



I don't think it's unfair at all. She wants one and our WM doesn't allow them to purchase blitz items if they are scheduled to work that day. She is getting what she wants and so am I. As for the location, not sure if they will all be the same. Our laptops will be in the main aisle between the hardware section and the electronics. I have worked hard to get the info I have and I would suggest that everyone else do the same, as our WM has not even had the ADS for the past two years. So, if you think it's an unfair advantage, then maybe all of the other stores having the ads and our's not having them put us in an unfair position. It's not like she will be holding them for a long period of time. I will be in that store at 1am, and be parked where they will be coming to, all she has to do is pick them up and hand them directly to me. I'm not sure how your WM works, but our's brought out the GameCubes a couple of years ago in a cardboard box, because they only had about 13 of them. Then the employee who brought them out handed them out one at a time until the fights broke out. The Game Boy SPs will be handled in the same way. So, when you know all of the facts, it's really not unfair at all. And I am not someone who will push someone to get what I am after, I have never had to because I DO plan ahead.
why didnt you get the ads the last 2 years???? I shopped in Paris last year and had all the ads through the paper on Thanksgiving. I did not know to look online so I had my game plan, ads, the nephew and son and was sitting outside stores at 2am. So I know the ads were out for the last few years in Paris. maybe you did not buy the paper, but the ads were available. Paris is my home town and I just moved to OK and this will be my first year shopping here on BF.
Last year the ads were not in all of the papers. We got a copy of the ad when we got to the store. The year before that the ads got sent to the Sulphur Springs store and we did not get them. This year the STORE manager said that the ads will NOT be available until Friday morning as we enter the store. Why did you have to wait outside at 2am. Our WM has not closed before BF since it became a 24 hour store?
Well, I was in paris and bought papers and got the ads. I was sitting outside Sears last year to get items this year I will be at Best Buy. Sorry you did not get them but maybe you should try like the Dallas papers. I alwasy buy all different papers from the store so that I can decide where I am going to shop if Paris does not have that store I would go to another town that did have the stores. Its all up to what you want and where you can get it. If I did not have the walmart on Thanksgiving I would have been at the store getting one since they come out on Thanksgiving. i did not mean to get into your business I was just very confused, because I was there last year. Happy Shopping. :)
No problem, just that I went to the store evryday trying to get the ad and even Thanksgiving night and the store employees still said they had no ads. Also, I have subscribed to the paper for several years and the ads were not in it. That's about all, the other ads are always in the paper, just hard trying to get the WM ad around here lately. You were lucky because BF morning the store was full of people trying to see the ad at about 3:30 to 4am.

It was a few years ago, but we had the tickets for the big items - DVD player, PC, TV, VCR (yes, that was a while ago), then we picked them up outside at a trailer.


But then I think they went back to "free-for-all".



  ama said:

That would be rotten! I'm in serious need of a new computer (this clunker is heading towards its 10th birthday) but there's no way I'd win in the "Mad dash" - I'm disabled. Here's to hoping my walmart will have some kind of line or ticket or something!

10th birthday!! What are you running? a 386???:grandpa:


Actually, I do want to know :)


Is your WM 24hrs? or do they close? If it's 24 hours, maybe you could make friends with an associate or mgr who could at least tell you which pallet to wait next to? Just a thought. Good luck!


ama - it just ocurred to me that if the above ideas don't work, you might be able to find someone else to go with you and help - maybe even someone from the board who is already going? Just another thought. Just in case, where (city,state) do you live?

I know that two years ago at our WM a lady was in electronics when we got there at 3am. She was in a wheelchair and had been sitting there since 10pm. All she wanted was the GameCube. The employee made sure that she got one and I thought that was great. I know that if you were in my area I would be happy to help you out. There are a few things that my mom and I will be picking up for her cousin who is disabled. If you ask at your WM they will probably help out.
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