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Ok since this is the first time I have ever done a black Friday with a major chain can you all tell me your game plans? I normally would get up an hour before the store opened and stand in line at Radio shack or the drug stores :) How do you keep warm? Do you have things holding your spot ie chairs etc. What time do you show up? I heard one good tip about sitting out in your car till someone shows up then rushing to the front of the line. Any tip would be nice for those of us who are new to the major chains. Thank you ALL in advance too:)
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First of all know what you want and if you can have helpers :gd_phone: call them and get a game plan. Have a cell phone,,,much easier.

Prepare yourself, I usually ditch the purse and use my fanny pack which I always wear layers and end up having/wearing it under 1 or 2 just for safety. In it I always take the ad paper with me so that there is no mistake....sometimes I even get an extra paper and cut out the specific item and keep the whole other paper in my pack just incase. Once I get into the store the first associate that asks me if I need any help I show them what I want and usually get it quicker because they know where it is (unless the first few seconds I feel they don't then I ditch them). Be willining to leave it behind unless it is the one thing you have to have. If you have helpers then divide what all of you want and make sure everyone knows the must haves....(this is where the extra ad cutouts work real good) Receits all go in a designated spot, I use the back of my pack, it has a separate area there. ALWAYS watch and make sure all your stuff makes it to the bag while it is being rung up that way it elliminates having to look again when you get to your car.


As for lineing up,.....I am in Charlottesville Virginia and the lines are forming earlier and earlier each year. You almost have to be in line several hours before opening...this is where it helps to have helpers...take turns standing in line unless security of sorts wont allow you to leave the line. You can also be ready with extra cash in case you see someone you know in line ahead, ask them to get your must have and get their cell number.


Other hints...never turn your attention from your cart/basket because Murphy's law, you are there getting items everyone else wants and supply is much more limited than the demand for it so people can be sneaky and to them everything is up for grabs....just watch out same goes for putting stuff in your vehicle. I go for the fun and hunt of a deal, others are not quite so nice so always just watch out and have fun......oh........a nice word to most associates on this day works wonders for service.......they are humans too.

If you don't see what you want for example the pallet of portable DVD players is empty don't give up 100%...as you are going through looking for other stuff look to see if anything looks out of place....I found one close to the check out hidden behind chocolate cherrys.


There are so many other tidbits,,,,just go have fun and realize the first few times you go,,,,most of your stuff will not be available but don't let that stop you...you will find deals you did not know about.


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Huddle up! :2football :2football :2football


Pam & Tommy, you create the big distraction. :fruitsex::eyepoppin


Lou, Chris, Eddie, Malik - you guys go block the line :2bat: :2bat: :2bat: :2bat:

- hold your blocks as long as possible!


Rocky - you race in and block the manager! :smiley_nu


Vanessa - gameboys

Lisa - those fuzzy dolls

Miguel - LCD TVs

James - digital cameras


and finally Angel and Eric- you go deep and grab ALL of the laptops.

Angel you carry & Eric beat back the others! :chairshot


Meet back in the shoe department (less people) where we will divide our bounty :gd_pirate :gd_pirate :gd_dollar :gd_dollar and do a dance. :2elephant:2elephant:2elephant:2elephant :holiday16:banana::banana01::gd_not_ri:gd_purple


Break!! :yelclap::holiday10

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Huddle up! :2football :2football :2football


Pam & Tommy, you create the big distraction. :fruitsex::eyepoppin


Lou, Chris, Eddie, Malik - you guys go block the line :2bat: :2bat: :2bat: :2bat:

- hold your blocks as long as possible!


Rocky - you race in and block the manager! :smiley_nu


Vanessa - gameboys

Lisa - those fuzzy dolls

Miguel - LCD TVs

James - digital cameras


and finally Angel and Eric- you go deep and grab ALL of the laptops.

Angel you carry & Eric beat back the others! :chairshot


Meet back in the shoe department (less people) where we will divide our bounty :gd_pirate :gd_pirate :gd_dollar :gd_dollar and do a dance. :2elephant:2elephant:2elephant:2elephant :holiday16:banana::banana01::gd_not_ri:gd_purple


Break!! :yelclap::holiday10

Your visual is so good that if I had been drinking at the time I would have choked laughing. Thanks for the laugh!!

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