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Do you buy same amount of gifts or spend same amount of $


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I have in the past kept the number equal, hard to do by price because of certain things they ask for.


This year my older ones are getting mostly electronic stuff, so really havent focused on how much spent on each, just evening it out so they have equal presents to open.


We have 6 so instead of em all thrashing for stuff under the tree and my 3 months of shopping as turned into 5 minutes of opening gifts :( we put names in a bowl and I draw and tell whomever I drew to go find a gift with their name on it (I keep the name out until we get thru everyone) makes it slow down and we can enjoy seeing each of their faces one by one ;)

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I do the same amount of money. My older 2 are 15 and 13 and have asked for WAY more expensive things than my younger ones who are 11 (on Dec 1), 6, and 5. The older 2 understand that they are asking for more expensive items so it works out fine. I do try to fill in with cheaper things to make it a little more even. My 11 year old wants a lot of Littlest Pet Shop pets so her number of presents will be closer to the younger 2.
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For years, DH and I piled each of their gifts up in the bedroom and took a look at whether the piles LOOKED even. They didn't really know the cost of the items, or even count the actual number, but sometimes one or the other had items that were perticularly small, and it made their "haul" look like less. Then we just bought something big, cheap and bulky, and the kids never noticed.


Sometimes, also, we would look at the piles and take something away from one and tuck it in a closet for another day if their "haul" looked uneven. The kid eventually got it, but just not at Christmas.

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I have a 15 yr old son and 11 year old daughter. I tell them what thier part of the Christmas budget is (I leave myself some wiggle room on this) and they tailor their list around that. Well, my son does better than my daughter but it still works out pretty well. DS gets less (he asked for an IPOD this year) and DD gets more. They get it and don't have any problems with it.
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I do the same number of presents, both from us, and from Santa. But I take it a step further with the boys, 6 & 9, and make sure they have the same number of the same types of stuff. Like the same number of clothes, games, big toys, etc. This helps keep the cost close. I still try to keep my 14 yo girl with close to the same amount, but like a lot of people have said, her stuff costs more, and is different from the boys, so its harder. She gets a lot of "fillers".
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Neither. I try to be in the same ballpark with both in the number of items, just so one isn't opening 20 gifts and one opening 5!


But they want what they want. I'm not going to buy one extra stuff that they never asked for just to even it out to an exact number. With money, it's the same. If I can get the items they really, really want I'm happy. They're 9, 7 and 2, and I don't think any will whip out a calculator and see who got the most. Yet. Hehe!

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At first when our kids were younger, they got the same number of gifts. now that they are older and understand, we spend the same $ amount on each of them. So we've explained to them that even though one or the other may have more gifts...they both = the same amount of money, and they are ok with that.
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My DD 12 and DS10, are not asking for more expensive items. I've always had one big ticket item then the same number of smaller items to open. Even if some of the fillers are dreaded clothes... actually my DD has asked for clothes this year and that is the one thing I've still yet to purchase.
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