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How do you "get it all"


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First, THANK You for the Target ad!


Second, now I am screwed! LOL I was planning on hitting Walmart, and price matching dvd's, etc. Well, I see the video chairs in the Target ad, and that would save me $60 since i need THREE!


Walmart opens at 5am, but I would have to be in and out (and pricematch in electronics, and the front) and to Target in an hour. I just don't know what to do!


Anyone else in a quandry?

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I go with a group of girls...so I am thinking that I may have to get what i want and head out...


although, I did just remember..two years ago when Target had the portable dvd player on sale, I bought it the day before Thanksgiving, and got a price adjustment on BF during the doorbuster hours. Does anyone know if Target still does adjustments?

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What you need is a buddy. My sister and I tag team. We are planning on hitting Walmart first since it opens at 5. One of us will each go for what we REALLY want, then one of us will get in line. Then we can be out of there in 30 minutes. Hopefully that will be enough time to get a decent spot in line at TRU and Target. This system has worked for us like clockwork in the past. We keep in contact by cell, and always update each other on what we could or could not get. However, this year with Walmart opening at 5 I feel like I need to recruit another person to sit in line at Target for me! The trouble is, everyone we know thinks we are crazy. :eyepoppin
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although, I did just remember..two years ago when Target had the portable dvd player on sale, I bought it the day before Thanksgiving, and got a price adjustment on BF during the doorbuster hours. Does anyone know if Target still does adjustments?

It is recommended to call the store you are planning on doing this at and asking them. I personally would go IN and ask them and talk to a manager and get their name. The rules at Target, Walmart, etc. seem to vary by store sometimes.

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I don't...I ususally pick and choose & make sure I go to the store I NEED to first and then go on from there.

That's me.. if the store don't have it online for me to buy I usually try price matching. If that don't work then I try to get it ...but don't always work.
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What I do is I would go to walmart and put items on layway that I know that are there before BF. Which in some cases some items are not.. One year I put my sons gamecube on layway so I know I would get one and I went to target and di my first stop there I knew what I want in walmart I had already I just had to painfully stay in the layway line.... Which is the worst thing to do.... I guess you just have to figure out which method works better for you .. My husband alway thought I was nuts for doing this but this year he is going out with me. He is dropping me off at target and he is going to best buys .
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