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Anyone give you a hard time for decorating early??


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My husband came home from work today and was telling me a woman where he works was talking about how crazy some people are because she was driving through her neighborhood and someone had already put their tree up and had it turned on. She said it is always the people that have 100 cats in the house that put the tree up so early. He said he told her "We have already put up 5 trees in the house and we only have 1 cat and 3 dogs" I was so shocked because he is usually quite, but he said she was acting so snotty and rolling her eyes, he couldn't help himself.
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We took advantage of the nice weather yesterday, and strung lights around the house roof line. We also notice several of neighbors doing the same thing yesterday.We will finish putting up our ouside lights and decorations next weekend. We will not turn them on until Thanksgiving weekend.
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Some do, others have learned that it doesnt do any bit of good. The people that matter the most to me enjoy it as much as I do so who cares :) I think the ones that complain just wish they had the energy to do it LOL! My home has been done for 2 weeks now and we are starting the outdoors here very soon.:banana01:
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I am all done with the inside of the house all except the tree, we do a real one and will get that the first week in Dec, Hubby has to do the out side as permy diagram on where things go, but it will be a two day job. I wish he would have doen it when it was warmer. Suppose to snow Weds, oh that should help the spirt
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