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Hard to find "original" items


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I am looking for things with penguins on them, such as pjs, house shoes, or hats, or any other item. Please help me in my search. I need ideas and places to look. If anybody can point me in a direction to look and has an idea please let me know. You know some people like cows, ducks, etc. mine likes penguins, go figure. :) Thx for looking. Happy Shopping
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Search cafepress.com not always the cheapest, but you should certainly be able to find lots with penguins. Anytime I need something "original" that's where I look. I have ordered from them tons and have never had any problems, although my mil did and she said the customer service was great and fixed her "problem" immediately. Anyhow, if you wait for a few more days they will be doing free shipping for orders over 50 bucks (I'm a shopkeeper there and find out about upcoming "promotions" usually a few days ahead of time).


These sheets from Kmart are really cute.


From Target there is a whole penguin line of bathroom decor. There is also a DVD/CD holder and matching speakers. Target also has a sheet set for a little less and the also carry a "matching" down throw/blanket. I'm not sure who your target is, but they also carry a penguin stocking. If you order from target.com don't forget to take advantage of the ten percent off code. They also have some other things for the home including but not limited to, cocktail shakers, humidifiers, and lawn decorations all shaped like a penguin click here.


Of course you can always check out the penguin gift shop. or browse over to the penguin ware house and buy the loved one in your life their very own penguin... I wish I was kidding... I'm thinking this has to be a hoax... but not seeing anything to point me in that direction. Could you imagine :rotflol: You could get one for less than 900 dollars. :)


In a more direct response I did find some slippers :). Scroll to the bottom of the page.



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