shopping mom Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 I often wish my husband would go Christmas shopping with me, but he really does not enjoy shopping at all. When the folks were in Bolivia he would do their shopping for me, but not with me. ( He had a list of what I wanted, size, color,etc, what store it was in and the cost.) I always made a big list so I would not know exactly what I was getting from my parents. He does go out and get a Christmas Eve gift for the kids, so he is not a Scrooge, he just doesn't enjoy shopping. My Sister-in-law and her husband shop for all their gift giving together. My dad loves to shop too. How is it at your house?
outnumbered Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 It's all done by me, but I like it that way. Well, I wish dh could shop for his parents, but other than that, I like to do all the shopping.
gisellerol Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 i do the shoppin and i would not have it any other way
Jenniferharrison82 Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 It really depends..sometimes dh comes with me. He likes to shop, but I pick everything out :)
toninjack Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 I do all the shopping for our house, all my mom's and grandmother's shopping too. They hate shopping, so I buy everyone gifts on their list and wrap them up. They never even see what they have bought until Christmas Eve when everyone opens their gifts. I really like shopping, so it gives me an excuse.
best4less Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 I'll drag DH along but I am the one doing the planning and the shopping
Mommie2one Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 I do all the shopping myself. My husband does his shopping for me usually the week before christmas.He hates malls
snakeswiff Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 That would be me....I even buy my own gifts! I like that way actually!
treasure60 Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 I do most of the shopping for the household, but hubby goes out and buys each child one gift, gets my gifts and gets one for each of his parents besides the ones I get for them. I do the rest for family and friends outside of the household.
tootsieroll23 Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 Me of course unless it is some kind of electronic gizmo, then I get help from DH :)
Guest all2tired Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 I do all the shopping except for the gifts for me. Hubby does that
peanut92973 Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 i do all the shopping and wrapping. the only time DH helps is if theres a big item i can't carry. one year we got tv's for the kids and he did get those.
biomajor Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 I do all the gift shopping and the grocery shopping and everything else. If it's electronic or a game for himself, he usually picks it up himself. Sometimes I have to pick up the games he wants too. Electronics, he usually does himself. I'm cheap and he's not. He takes the kids out Christmas Eve around 2 PM to get my presents. Nothing like waiting till the last minute to show how much you care.
sunprincess831 Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 It's all me....wish hubby would do some with me, but oh well can't win them all!
rbellville Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 I do it all, but on Christmas Eve my DH takes all 3 kids (6, 4 and 2) shopping for my presents and the last odds and ends for everyone else. :holiday08 While I'm home wrapping all the gifts. He would stop at my mom's and she would insist to keep a couple of kids while he finished. I think that was planned on his part. She has passed recently so I don't know what he'll do this year.
Spooot Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 Most of it I do, I took him with me yesterday and thought I was going to have to hurt him before we got out of the store. All I wanted was for him to pick out a wagon for our 2 1/2 yr old grand daughter, it turned inot a big production. So I brought him home, he isn't allowed to go with me ever again to Christmas Shop for the grandbabies. He can shop for his two boys and of course Moi but the rest I will do.
Momto32003 Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 I do all the shopping so I can get what I want the kids to have and what they want. DH and I have a very different point of view of what the kids should and shoulnd't have.( I do of course run some of the bigger and more expensive items with him though as we don't want it to be an arguement) If he were shopping, he probably wouldn't have over spent like I did this year though. LOL
huseboy Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 I also do the shopping. My hubby will go with me on bf if he is in from driving truck over the road. He's saying is "I will pay full price". But as more time passes, this has become a little joke he always says to make me laugh because he knows how I love to go on bf. He's mom told me the other day he said this and I was rolling in laughter because she has no idea it is an inside joke. :)
juliegirl Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 It's all done by me and that's the way I like it!
erh12275 Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 I do it mostly by myself...but hubby will be w/ me BF this year.
jlfuzzbutt Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 My DH works all over the country and is rarely home. (68 days so far this entire year) So...I make the list, I brainstorm the ideas, I budget, I go to the store and get the gifts, I wrap the gifts, I package the gifts for shipping, I take the gifts to the postal place and mail them. Since I do it all myself, I don't have to put up with him complaining about what I spend or his procratstination that leaves us freaking out at the last minute. (and spending TONS more to rush deliver gifts) So far, I am finished shopping except the 3 items(big ticket to boot) I plan on getting on Black Friday. He will be home for that day so he can complain about how much we spend that one day. LOL
ebony0421 Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 I do alot of the shopping and then he pitches in when we get things for the kids.
SuperMommy Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 DH has to work on BF so I do all the shopping that gets done that day. But what is left (which is usually at least half) he does with me!!
ajburlingame Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 I do all of the shopping except for a few gifts for our daughter which my husband and I will do together.
amosb1 Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 Hey shopping Mom, I love to go shopping with my wife. We shop after holiday sales for the following year's gift giving. I have 8 brothers/sisters and several cousins.
susiejwp Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 ...are you kidding? Hubby is as surprised as the kids when they open their gifts on Christmas morning!
Peshua Posted November 14, 2005 Posted November 14, 2005 shopping mom said: I often wish my husband would go Christmas shopping with me, but he really does not enjoy shopping at all. When the folks were in Bolivia he would do their shopping for me, but not with me. ( He had a list of what I wanted, size, color,etc, what store it was in and the cost.) I always made a big list so I would not know exactly what I was getting from my parents. He does go out and get a Christmas Eve gift for the kids, so he is not a Scrooge, he just doesn't enjoy shopping. My Sister-in-law and her husband shop for all their gift giving together. My dad loves to shop too. How is it at your house?I am soooooo glad my husband does NOT go with me! He has to look at everything and I do mean everything even if we have no use for it! I end up walking away from him! So Xmas shopping I usually do!!
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