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What time does Best Buy hand out tickets?


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I couldn't imaging going in line on BF 15-20 minutes before opening. This is my first BF, but I know not to do that! I agree with an earlier post. Show up super early and stay in your car. When people start coming, get out and form the line. Personally, I want to be first in line!
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Do you guys live in a big area? Considering the size of Flint do you still recommend that time?

Augusta, GA isn't what I'd call a LARGE area, but its city and surrounding county's population is around 200K. So, the BB is serving maybe 200-250K in population.


Last year (our first BF at this BB) by 4AM, the line was hundreds long and growing rapidly. This was with a store opening at 6AM. This year, with the store opening an hour earlier and with CompUSA opening at midnight, we're planning on 9:30-10PM arrival.

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At the Augusta, GA BestBuy last year, we got there at midnight to arrive about 5th or so in line.......we were confronted with an RV that had been in the parking lot since around 6PM the evening before. Cannot compete against that!!! We'll be happy with 5th again.
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