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Suggest Best Camcoder Deal for Black Friday


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Am in qundary as to which camcoder deal is best value for money on this Black Friday .. Still there are many more ads to come but am looking for suggestions from the experienced members .


Will appreciate if you can suggest model / Store to look for in reagrd to above request ...


Thanks in Advance



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I have a question also about camcorders. I was wondering if it is better to get a regular camcorder or the ones that record on DVD's. If it records on DVD's already isn't that better because then I will be able to just put it in my DVD player to play? :)
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:D miniDV:D

Get a miniDV!!!!! These DVD camcorders don't have as good video and sound quality because of inferior compression technology compared to miniDV. You can't edit the video coming from these cameras on your computers either.

Companies like Sony rip you off for these DVD camcorders.:gd_dollar You would get a much better camera with a miniDV from JVC, Samsung, or Panasonic.


miniDV - Good :g_laughin

DVD - Bad :mad:

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