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What time will your local TRU/BRU open? Check here! Breakdown by state...HTH


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Im new to this website so if this has already been posted sorry, but on Toys r us Website it announced that they would be opening a 10pm again this year. I personally hate going to Toys R US b/c of my stores crazy check out system. They have people standing in line down the center of each isle. It makes it difficult for the ones who are still trying to shop b/c you go down the isle with your cart and people are standing in the middle of the isle and you have to ask them to move over or bump into people when you are trying to get something off the shelf...any how here is the link http://www.toysrus.com/shop/index.jsp?categoryId=10811022
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am in MA. We have a Blue Law, so our stores can't open til midnight. =(

Also, on the site listed above, all MA stores say TBD. I heard on our local newstation that stores are trying to fight the Blue Laws, so they can open on Thanksgiving night.

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I am in MA. We have a Blue Law, so our stores can't open til midnight. =(

Also, on the site listed above, all MA stores say TBD. I heard on our local newstation that stores are trying to fight the Blue Laws, so they can open on Thanksgiving night.

i wish they would hurry up and decide already!

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