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Christman Lights Already????


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A local store here took down their Halloween stuff and put up Christmas in place of it two days before Halloween! Eeks.


Anyway, no lights around here.. yet.. I imagine they'll start appearing though. We won't even think to put them up until late November.

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I can understand putting them up when the weather is willing, but some of my neighbors have never taken theirs down, even though the homeowners association requires them to do so. But even the ones that take them down are putting them up really early this year. So many have sprung up since Halloween that it really irritates me. Several have animatronics and what-nots covering every square inch of their property already. I am lucky enough not to be their next door neighbor.


My husband was listening to some show where they had the producer dress up as "The Angry Pilgrim" and drive around in a automobile looking for houses with Christmas decorations. He would take all the decorations down and tell the homeowners that he is the angry pilgrim. He was lucky he didn't get shot! I consider the holiday a triumph if I just get a tree up.

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We did 90% of ours yesturday and we still have the bushes and front porch to do....we got a few more yard decorations this year which took a lot of time because the way they box them is hard to get out without losing pieces.. :7beer: .my tree has been up for almost two weeks along with most of the inside of our home...decorated the only thing I wont be setting up is my village....my 2 1/2 year old and his puppy are a tad bit pre occupied with each other and even though both are mindfull, I rather be carefull and wait:banana01:

If people want to show their spirit early...then they should.....it is not up to anyone to tell them no or don't...for the most part they pay their taxes just like everyone else. :yelclap::loli:

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Guest Deals4Me

My hubby is NEVER done. Its a ongoing project all the way up to christmas. ugh.


We started putting stuff out. But it wont be on till December. I usually put the tree up right after my birthday on the 13th. And I think I'll do that again this year.

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Since it was warm out yesterday, we put up our lights on the roof and put the garland and bows underneath each window....then we lined the driveway with those plastic candy canes....we normally wait til the weekend after Thanksgiving, but it is going to turn ALOT colder so we went ahead and did it...the tree will be going up this weekend.
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