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looking for private pay dental insurance

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my new job has dental but that doesnt kick in for a while.in the meantime i am thinking of getting priovate pay dental for some extensive work i really need done.does anyone have a private pay dental that they like and isnt overly expensive? thanks
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You have to be really careful with private insurance. The plans are expensive, and most have a waiting period. They don't really cover much until the waiting period is over. Sometimes it's 2 years. If you can wait until your dental kicks in, I would. But you have to remember that you will have a yearly maxium, usually $1500.00, and it doesn't take long to reach that with major dental work. Of course if you have a tooth that is hurting you now, you need to be seen. Just call around to some dental offices and explain your situation, they may will work with you or give you numbers to a different Drs. they know that does some discount/charity work. If you have alot of work that needs done, if there is a dental school in your area, that could save you lots of $$$. Hope this helps.
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I go to a Perfect Teeth dentist and they have their own insurance plans. I haven't used it, but it does look good. I believe they start the day you purchase it. Try looking around for franchise type dental offices and see if they offer any plans. Even if it just gets you through until your dental insurance kicks in from work.
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I'd wait until the dental insurance kicks in. The community college here has a dental program that will do work on a sliding scale. With private dental insurance there will be a limit to what they cover and they may make you wait (as mentioned above) or everybody would get the insurance have a lot of work done and then cancel the insurance.
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