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Have you ever hidden your "stash" and forgot where you put it?

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About three years ago I bought my daughter a turtle braclet, I asked her how she liked it after that Christmas and she asked me where it was I fgured that she threw it out with all the excess wrapping paper.....buet she swears that she never got it. If not, then it is hidden somewhere in this house and maybe some day someone will find it!! I have forgotten about Easter stuff and found it months later!

Funny story- We go to my husband's grandparents every Christmas Eve and for 3 years in a row I didn't get a gift. Of course we never said anything because she is a little forgetful sometimes but by the 3rd year I was beginning to wonder. The summer after that she went in the hospital and my MIL and I were cleaning her house and in a back closet under some sheets we found 3 gifts with my name on them and 1 with my MIL's name. Needless to say I had 3 new sweaters to wear that coming winter.;)

My mil did that too me one year, lol, got two presents the following year :)


I do this all the time!

I am glad to know that I am not the only one.


I tried what zoomommy does with writing

down where I put what. But I lose the paper.

Or someone uses the notebook and throws the

list out.


I have a touch of amnesia too, it seems.

Sometimes when I am finding things that I

tucked away, I can't recall having bought them.

Certainly little gift fairies aren't visiting me?

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