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Still excited to see the actual BF Ad on Thanksgiving?


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I love this site and being able to see the ads early. (Hat's off to Brad and Ross) :howdy:


But I still get even more excited to have the actuall ads in my hands. Because I know then tomorrow's only a day away!! lol Plus we don't plan our stratagy till Thanksgiving. We all sit around the table after we've ate Thanksgiving dinner and plan out our strategy!!



Can't wait!! 23 more days till the ads

and 24 till SHOPPING!!!!!

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I cannot wait to see them! Even though I will already have my list written out, and a map of stores figured out in my head, sometimes seeing the ad will make a light bulb go off and I will think of something else to add to my list.



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I do. We all sit in the floor Thanksgiving Day after dinner and make out our game plan of who is going where and posting people in specific departments in the stores and where we will meet up. I think it gets the adrenaline pumping to see the actual adds and flipping through them.



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No, I'm not excited to see it after reading all the deals and planning out my stragedy. There is nothing to get excited about anyway. I live in rural Missouri, close enough to get the KC Star but not close enough for them to include all the ads in our papers. The papers cost the same whether you get the ads or not, it kinda p&sses me off!
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  • 2 weeks later...
YES! :yay: I love having the ads in advance from the BF site. That way I know what to look for when the actual ads come out, but I am getting a little overwhelmed. :worried: I have to have the actual ads so I can circle the items and compare prices. I start getting really excited when I have them in my hand and knowing only one more day! :bounce_fl
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