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I was in Target today, and noticed a lot of items stocked on the higher shelves. There seemed to be more than needed for just typical stocking, such as about 20 Candylands, Chutes & Ladders, Monopoly, Tonka dump trucks, Moon Shoes, Scene It DVD Game, Memorex Progressive scan DVD player, several different models of boom boxes, a VCR (do they still make those? ;) ), a large Tyco R/C car. It looked just like it does on BF to me, so it got me thinking! :D


Could Target be stocking up for BF already?

I'm going to stop at Target tomorrow, so I'll take a look and see what they are stocking. I'll have to write down what I see is in large supply. Target always has one of their plain-clothes "shoppers" follow me for a while, since I scope out all the end-caps for clearance stuff. This could get interesting.
  mrn8 said:

I'm going to stop at Target tomorrow, so I'll take a look and see what they are stocking. I'll have to write down what I see is in large supply. Target always has one of their plain-clothes "shoppers" follow me for a while, since I scope out all the end-caps for clearance stuff. This could get interesting.


What? Details, details!! :secret:

  Gporter34 said:

I wish we had a Target. The closest one to us is about an hour away. They always have such neat stuff. And it's a nice change from WalMart.lol

The closest one to us is an hour and a half away, so I know how you feel.:wife:

  decafmom said:

You get stalked at Target? Are they stalking you for shoplifting or just being nosy? I shop the end-caps as well - they're my first stop.

Yeah, they employ 1 plainclothes security person. If I'm dressed for work (shirt&tie) I don't get followed, but if I'm in weekend wear (hoodie / t-shirt and jeans) I always notice them. It turns into a game sometimes, so it probably just makes me even more suspicious.

  bayhaysay said:

The closest one to us is an hour and a half away, so I know how you feel.:wife:

Yeah, the closest one to me is also 1 hour away, but so nice and different from WalMart all the time.

  biomajor said:

Oh Nate!! He's getting so big!! How much does he weigh now??

As of his Tuesday Dr visit, he was 11 3/4 lbs. He's approaching double his birth weight, already!


I have the same thing happen, but at Wal-Mart. (The being followed by the "shopper". It is really funny though, because I use to work there and I know who they are. I asked a friend who still works there about it and he said that they do that to anyone who comes in a WHOLE lot, like I do. I guess they don't trust anyone who spends that much money with them. I guess they don't realize that in a small town like mine (no TARGET, K-Mart, nothing) that they are the only place to go to, without traveling 45 minutes to an hour.

I think it is funny though, because they obviously don't realize that I know who they are.

That's weird. I'm in Walmart all the time here and have never had anyone follow me. I'm in there so much that they all know me by name. LOL I was even walking around the other night with a notepad writing down the stuff I saw in the overstock areas and not a single employee was anywhere around.
  mrn8 said:

As of his Tuesday Dr visit, he was 11 3/4 lbs. He's approaching double his birth weight, already!

Oh my gosh--he's just so cute!! I love seeing how much he's grown from that very first picture that you used :-)


Ok I was at my Target (Long Island) this am, and I saw TONS of dvd/vcr combos, TONS of toaster ovens and some other cooking thing that I cant remember right now (duh) and then in toys, Stacked on top of the shelves...Little people,chutes and ladders,Candyland, Vsmiles, leap pads, and lots of Dora talking houses. Aqua doodles,the reg and the animals. I did notice an over abundance of CPK babies too.


Ah yes its gonna be fun!

Oh and in their clearace I got the tiny bratz rock n roll set for $3.48!!!!

They also had Miss Spiders' characters with purse for $2 and change!


I cannot wait for BF!!!!!

  caligurl said:

oh how funny! do you dress like a hoodlum? :biker:

LOL, no! I just look young for my age. I shop the clearance racks for women's and men's clothes, plus all the end-caps, so I'm spending a lot of time in there and looking through a lot of stuff. I can see how it looks suspicious, but it's funny that I know who 2 of their "shoppers" are, since they tail me all the time.


Is this normal for ALL Targets to have these people? I am one of those that just look and look and look and then might not even buy anything. I am usually in the toy department because of my granddaughter who will be three and I have spoiled rotten! LOL. I think I would get pissed if I saw someone following me and confront them!



I was in Wal-Mart about a week ago, and I had two friends and my 4yr old daughter, we paid for our things (almost $200.00) and I was hiding two V-Smile games under a box in my cart for my daughter to take back to lay-away, when I noticed three plain dresses "shoppers" looking over at my cart. They looked real STUPID, when they seen me tell my cousins to take her to the car, and they followed me to lay-away to see that I was going to purchase them.
Last year about two weeks before BF, I saw the specials for Target on another BF site. The specials said that there was going to be a sale on some xbox. It was the same price as the xbox, but with 3 games. Well that weekend, my family and I went to Target. We ended up in the electronics department and behold, what did I see? The xbox package that wasn't supposed to be on sale until BF. Now I know sometimes, you have take the rumors with a grain of salt, so I told my husband I wasn't 100% sure that they were selling it early or not. Anyway, when the ads did come out, EVERYONE was selling this package on BF, including target. So its possible that they are stocking up now. In this case, you could have gotten a great deal if you knew and you wouldn't have needed to stand in line.

I was in Target today and while I did not write down EVERYthing I saw stacked atop the risers, I wrote down A LOT. I am pretty sure this is not regular stocking, but only time will tell! There were tons of everything I post. Here is what I jotted down:


*Barbie Shop With Me Register

*Barbie Deluxe Shopping Cart

*Bratz Big Babyz Rock Angels Motor Bike

*Bratz Big Babyz Bathtub

*Bratz Big Babyz

*Disney Scene-It

*Regular Scene-It


*Aquadoodle Doodle Pro

*Little People Doodle Pro

*Barbie Doodle Pro

*Flat Screen Lite Brite

*Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles M.E.C.H. Wrekkers

*Singer 30 Stitch Function Sewing Machine

*1500 Watt Oil-Filled Home Heater

*Hot Wheels Starter Set

*Batman Begins Batmobile

*Superman Action Cape

*Nikko Limited Edition Harley Davidson Ford F-350 R/C

*Nikko Jeep Rescue R/C

*EZ Bake Oven

*EZ Bake Oven Real Meals

*Slurpee Maker

*Hershey Indoor Smores Maker

*Lego Star Wars Playset

*CAT Junior Collection (like a Caterpillar Backhoe or something)

*Tonka Toughest Mighty Truck

*Limited Edition 50th Anniversary Lego Set with gold bricks

*Tumble Time Tigger

*Shout Elmo

*Dora Talking House

*Share-A-Story Care Bear

*My Little Pony Butterfly Island

*Zapf Baby Annabell

*Our Generation 18" or 20" Horses (they were REALLY BIG) White one was called Dressage Perfect Champ and don't remember what the brown one was called


I am off to KMart to see what I can see! Will post a new thread if I find anything good.



Did anyone go to target last year on black friday. . If so what kind of stuff did they have on sale? I heard that sometimes places give away stuff to the first some many customer is that true. . This is my first year shopping on black friday so you guys help me out.
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