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Once you severely limit your calorie and nutrition intake - your body goes into starvation mode - which with most people means you actually won't lose any weight.


It was hard for me to realize thru my nutritionist that you actually have to eat to lose weight. Of course it's a balance of protein, fiber, etc .. you can't eat lots of crap and lose weight. I found that eating 3 small meals and 3 smaller snacks a day worked best for me

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Once you severely limit your calorie and nutrition intake - your body goes into starvation mode - which with most people means you actually won't lose any weight.


It was hard for me to realize thru my nutritionist that you actually have to eat to lose weight. Of course it's a balance of protein, fiber, etc .. you can't eat lots of crap and lose weight. I found that eating 3 small meals and 3 smaller snacks a day worked best for me

I believe this was my problem initially too. I gained a lot of weight through emotional overeating and then just stopped eating in hopes of losing the weight. The diet I did actually forced me to eat (at more or less regular times) small meals/snacks throughout the day. I think dieting is a very personal thing since everyone reacts to food and limited calorie intake differently. I've never enjoyed food so for me it's easy to ignore a plate but I have friends who LOVE their weekly "bloomin onions" and others who get major migraines on any sort of diet or even if they miss a meal.

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Guest bluecamel1913
Eat healthy, exercise regularly. Losing weight gradually while building up stamina is much better than losing a lot of weight fast and having no energy. I've lost 50 pounds over the past few years so I'm talking from experience.
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I'm thinking about starting my father on this BUT I think the calorie limit is going to be impossible for him. Saying that my bff is head pharmacist at Walgreens and is starting this in July but with the shots through a clinic, she has to go see the Dr once a week or month (not sure). She says many of her patients have lost weight and been taken off of their blood pressure medications (and others) after doing this WITHOUT changing their eating habits. She explained that it is NOT fda approved but based on her experience with patients is proven to work and that it works because it mimics pregnancy hormone where nutrients are pulled out of food for baby rather than all the fat.


I need to research prices before pulling the trigger but I think it could be a contender in the battle of the bulge at my house. If it works, we'll just have to figure out a way to get him to stop eating crap. It's amazing how a diabetic reasons that corn and rice are bad for him BUT then loads up on guava paste and cream cheese.

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I get mine from liquidhcgdiet.com , they have a special If you order one it is $70 which is with the savings of $27.

If you order 2 it is $122 which is a savings of $27 off of the $149., 5.00 shipping,, lost 28 lbs in 5 weeks with their drops last year. I PAID 139.00, last year this is a special for facebook fans. give code, ourfbfansrock to get discount.

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I got mine from https://www2.hcgultradiet.com/ if you use the code bogo25 you get a discount.


HCG diet drops cause your hypothalamus to mobilize the fat out of the fat storage locations so that it’s available for use. While you are only consuming 500 calories, your hypothalamus is continually releasing the fat stored in your body. Because of this, your body is actually operating on thousands of calories a day. The result is your body using thousands of calories of fat from your body each day; the reason HCG dieters lose 1 to 2 lbs of fat or more, per day.

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fyi, im maintaining my weightloss just great. i did tweak my program to 800 cals and liked it a lot better and still lost. i skipped "their" p3 plan and did my own. i keep my carbs below 75 a day and eat around 1500/1800 cals each day. my weight is solid as a rock. love this stuff!!!
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fyi, im maintaining my weightloss just great. i did tweak my program to 800 cals and liked it a lot better and still lost. i skipped "their" p3 plan and did my own. i keep my carbs below 75 a day and eat around 1500/1800 cals each day. my weight is solid as a rock. love this stuff!!!

My bff is having a hell(in a bad way) of a time on HER version of this. I'm starting the healthier eating again ( +30 min on elliptical daily) and gnc shakes but would definitely try THIS version if I hadn't bought so much shake mix at gnc. She's doing daily injections with a whole cocktail of vitamins and other pills and the food is ridiculous. She is only eating chicken since I think fish is the other option for protein and she doesn't like it. She is allowed 1(maybe 2) melba toast per day and certain fruit/vegetables which should be organic and unlimited coffee which I think is her saving grace. She's down to her wedding weight(maybe 20 lbs and 12 years ago) but wants to lose much more.

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