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do your kids want to go


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My oldest is 17 this year and it will be his first BF. I think it will be better than any gift for him. lol He has been waiting and begging every year. My mom and I figured he will be alot of help. He is so excited. The others are girl13, girl 11, boy 9, and boy7. They will have to wait before going. lol
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My 10 1/2 yr old knows I won't be buying him the stuff I do if he did go. That stopped him from every asking to go! My daughter is oblivious to me leaving the house at 1am. shes in bed by 9pm so she still thinks I leave in the morning. I always tell her, " You just missed me" LOL
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My kids are way too young to want to go. My kindergartener hates shopping unless it's a 5-minute trip to get him one particular thing he's been wanting and even then only if he gets the toy the second we're back in the car. The younger two will behave for awhile, but they never "want" to go shopping and they sure as heck wouldn't want to wake up that early and be out in the cold. ;)


I'm looking forward to some good shopping with my daughter in about 10 yrs though. :D

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Last year was my 17 yr. old Daughters first BF after years of begging to go. She is hooked! She stood in the electronics line for all of the things she wanted (and got).My 10 yr. old cousin asked to go and I was hesitant about letting her come. She loved it and was talking about coming the following year. I gave her $25 to pick her own gift and she got a few toys of the pallets at walmart. She is so thin she crawled between some legs and put her stuff in the big garbage bag I gave her and crawled back out. It was fun.:lolrun:
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