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just wondering


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when i was growing up my parents didn't drive, we didn't have a car so i never knew anything at all about black friday. just in the last few years have i went out. was there even a black friday back in the day, like late 60's early 70's? without a car i never looked at the paper too much either for stuff like that.
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Guest DigDoug

They want to know when BF "unofficially" started. I have no idea the exact year.

Ahhh... I see it now. Punctuation is a wonderful thing. ;)

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I remember going shopping with my mom, aunt and my Grandmother when I was a kid and that was 25 years ago. And we always called it Black Friday. My grandmother would always say at the end of the day "what are we crazy for going out on Black Friday" But we always went every year anyway.
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when i was young my mom did most of her shopping through the Sears wish book. I remember getting that book and what toys i would want. She used to stash the goods at my grandmother's house.



When we got older and clothes were the thing she started going out on BF and every other weekend heading up to Christmas. We would hit a different mall every weekend. We lived ( still do ) in Brooklyn and would hit every mall within a reasonable driving distnace on LI and NJ. Reasonable to my parents meant anything less than 2 hours so we went to a lot of malls.





I still do this cause you find different things in different areas and it is fun to see what stores other malls have.

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Ok for those of you who got a cabbage patch in the 80's, you will remember that fateful Black Friday. Black Friday has been going on for over fifty years. My mother told me a time when her mother got dolled up to go shopping the day after thanksgiving, and then my grandmother would come home with bags of stuff. My mother rarely went but when she did, I can tell you she got some good deals.


Oh Yeah don't forget the Attari. Both my parents went out that BF. And they probably spent like 400 just on the system and the games. And VCR's.

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