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Change of Plan? Store gone!

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we usually (DH & I) travel from the inlaws house to the mall closest to them for BF. It is 30 minutes drive.... small town.... little battle for deals.


Nothing we *need* this year.


want a the netbook from CVS - actually, would like the TRU one, but I do not want TRU crowds....


Old Navy left the mall we usually go to.... now what? Do we go out? DO we just go to CVS? Do we brave crazy TRU consumers? Do we drive 1+ hours to go shopping in big cities? ACK

i pretty much have to drive over 1 hour to get to a decent shopping area, so that does not seem like too far to me......since there is nothing you need though, the question to answer is how would you feel if you stayed in.......for us it is more tradition than anything and i would feel like i was missing something if i did not go out, even if i didn't really need anything

Just go to CVS and enjoy your holiday weekend.


I'm trying like crazy to narrow by wants down to 2 stores. If I could just find that dang Santa Sing A Ma Jig at retail price before BF, I could skip TRU altogether! Someone on another board posted about a TRU putting them out on the shelf early. I called my TRU and no such luck :(


we don't have a local CVS :( there is one near the inlaws....


Ya, Amber... it is the feeling of missing out that makes this even a discussion


we don't have a local CVS :( there is one near the inlaws....


Ya, Amber... it is the feeling of missing out that makes this even a discussion

I know you mean. I love to shop this day! For 5 years I had to drive 1 1/2 hours to get to a city with the stores.... a few of them had bad snow or blizzard like conditions! SO, glad to be close again to stores. :)


ok... so if we go - which way? I have a new car, and hate the idea of parking at the mall in the city on this day! there are 2 cities, each 1hr or so away... one by highway, one by backroads...


Luckily I haven't heard of snow in the forecast.


so... east or west?


Which would be easier on your car? Mall parking or backroads???

Prolly backroads! there is mall parking either way.. but one side is Albany NY... and I think I want to avoid that.

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