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Florida couple already in line at Best Buy


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I love Black Friday camping but I think that is WAY too soon. I think they are out to prove a point (wanting to be first) unlike someone like me who does it for Tradition!


I think they are going to have a REAL problem when others arrive and see them "take shifts". They will be looked down on if they take shifts and everyone who did a shift is in line in front when the doors open.

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According to the article linked:

"From past experience, they know some items will be in short supply, and that means they have to be on guard for people who stretch the rules.


'You don't know how many friends at the last minute that are gonna come in and squeeze in the line.' Lorie Davenport said.


Lest you think the Davenports plan to stay every hour of the day, there is a small detail you should know. They stay in line by day but another family spells them at night. The families are saving spots for a total of 10 people.


It appears stretching the rules may be open to interpretation."


How idiotic to say that line jumpers are bad (duh!) but then they intend on doing it themselves. A bit hypocritical…and as other poster have noted before other shoppers will not be very pleased with ten additional people all of a sudden joining the front. If that is what they plan on doing, I hope the people behind them get vocal about it! However, they have seven days to figure it out.

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These ppl are crazy...I guess that is what they are using their vacation time doing...I think the crazier part is a) they are pissed at the other ppl that would be first and "hold spots" and now THEY are doing it and B) they don't even know what they are going to buy? If you don't know what you want then why are you even waiting in line? That's just dumb!
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Posted on another thread but worth posting here too...'


I know this is heresy on this site, but this is just ridiculous. Giving them Ipads only compounds the problem. And since they have 10 people taking turns, you can bet that at 5:00 on BF the first 10 spaces in that line are already taken. IMHO it's things like this that will eventually result in Black Halloween.

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Well, I think they are crazy, but hey if they have nothing better to do and that is the way they want to spend the next week plus, go for it. The part about holding spaces for a total of 10 people is wrong, if they are not there for the better part of that time, they should no way, no how be allowed to get in line. I blame BB for allowing that to happen, if you are there camping to be first then it should be the ones that are there camping. I can see how this could create some major problems as it closer to opening time. People are crazy and you never know what will set someone off...the next headlines from that spot could be BB campers shot while holding spots in line for BF. This is suppose to be fun and tradition.
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Well, I think they are crazy, but hey if they have nothing better to do and that is the way they want to spend the next week plus, go for it. The part about holding spaces for a total of 10 people is wrong, if they are not there for the better part of that time, they should no way, no how be allowed to get in line. I blame BB for allowing that to happen, if you are there camping to be first then it should be the ones that are there camping. I can see how this could create some major problems as it closer to opening time. People are crazy and you never know what will set someone off...the next headlines from that spot could be BB campers shot while holding spots in line for BF. This is suppose to be fun and tradition.

So if I understand this correctly, BB is allowing them to essentially take the first 10 spots by switching out people every so often. So then, my question would be could the next group show up and say they are saving the next thirty spots in line and will also camp out/switch out until Friday? WTH?! Oh, yes, we need to stay tuned because this will probably cause a riot!! Stay tuned......:gdfight::fryingpan:gdpie::chairshot:flame::gdgirlfight3ol::gdangry4::gdyelling:

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If your in the top 15, usually you get to know what people are there for. I make it known that a friend or family member may come when the doors open. But I also make it known, they are not getting a doorbuster ticket item. Im there the entire time, I may leave if I have someone spot for me to get somthing at home or whatever. But my friend may leave and come back in the morning. Im the only one getting a ticket item.


Thats fair to me.

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I don't think there should be any holding places in line. It is one thing if you are in line and have to go to the bathroom, buy some coffee or you had an incident at home that you need to take care of. However, for one or two people to show up and save spots for people who aren't coming until the doors open is just frustrating. All of the people that line up behind these people are going to be angry when they find out that there will be 10 more people in front of them.


I am also not a fan of people dropping off chairs or setting up tents and then leaving and never actually waiting in line or only waiting in line for an hour or two.

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