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IPOD touch with free gc will deal be available online?

Suzy Crampton

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I am interested in the Ipod touch that they have for regular price but you will get a $30 gc with it.

If I order this online on BF will I get the $30 gc too?

What about the $10 gc if you spend $100?

I'm new to this and have never purchased from Target online on BF.

I think you would get the $30 gift card with it online if the item is available online for BF. But I am pretty certain that the $10 for $100 is only in stores.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just posted this in the Wal-Mart thread, might as well do it here.


The iPod in store is $225. Plus tax (9.25% in my part of CA) my total cost is 245.81 that day.

Subtract $40 in gift cards, my total cost is 205.81. On Amazon, it's 199 with no tax, free shipping, and not having to wait outside freezing or fighting off the mobs. I think it's worth it.


If there are a lot of other things you need to pick up at Target, then maybe. But I still think Amazon has a better deal.

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