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Live Black Friday Webcast & Chat - Would you participate and watch?


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We have had chat sessions before but it's been a few years, maybe 2 or 3 at least. It was a lot of fun to talk to the mods and other BFers. I believe Brad even ran a couple of contests through Chat. Anyway, sounds like a great idea. I'm in!

I remember GD used to have an online chat room. We'd schedule a time just before BF when everyone might be able to be there. Wonder whatever happened to it. :confused:

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My Japanese kids would LOOOOOOVE this. They have lots of strange questions about BF (I mentioned BF when asked what is popular in the USA in November)


What time is it (doubtful we could watch live) but could they send in questions ahead of time? Also would the webcast be saved online so the class could watch it if we are unable to watch live?

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