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  • 2 weeks later...

I have maybe 10-15 (maybe closer to 20 before it's said and done) people to buy for. I have cut way back in recent years and try to make more homemade gifts. For example, my grand-nieces are getting crocheted blankets this year.

I also buy for my daughter's teacher, Toys for Tots, give to the adopt a family at work and make sure my daughter (she's 7)has gifts for her BFF's.


I'm buying for my family, which is very small. However, this year I'm teaching 4th/5th Language Arts, and I really have NO idea what to get my students for Christmas. I've never taught 9-11 year olds before! What do they like that's cheap but not obviously cheap! :)

Mad libs was the idea for you...sorry for the above post.

  • 3 weeks later...

After thinking all afternoon and scratching my list down on paper and counting everyone up the grand total for people I need to remember this year is... 170. :eek: Some get actual gifts, others get yummy homemade treats and others may get just a card - but I still have to buy it all :) This includes family, friends, people at school, DH's work, DD's scout troop, GD exchanges and of course charity. I have no doubt, though, that the list will end up being pared down as I go. In some cases it's one gift for a family or group so it's not as much as may appear.


How do I manage it? Keeping an eye on here, of course! :D

Wow.... 107 ?!! What are you doin g? Do you have a Santa Gift Shop running there ?! Shessh.. Makes me wonder just how thin you are going to stretch your budget...


Then , I guess I am lucky ... Parents, brother's family( SIL , 3 kids) , 5 coworkers , 2 very good friends.... Tada !! I am finished.

This year I am buying for 22 people, but twelve of those people are couples (6 couples) and they are getting family gifts. We also buy angel tree gifts and I will know how many we are buying for when the trees go up.

Yea... down to 169! Had it with the bus driver so he's off the list and my kids off his bus. That large number - if I haven't said already - includes:

* goody bags for two classes plus teacher gift and exchange gift

* gifts for various staff members for various reasons

* more goody bags for DD's scout troop plus 1 exchange gift

* select neighbors and friends

* family members (which were counted individually)


I do a lot of holiday baking and that is what most of my gifts are. I also counted individuals but often give family gifts too. It doesn't cost as much as some may think. :)

I have 17 and my husband has 13. He is wonderful in that he still shops for everyone in his family himself. Women and children included. Last year was his first BF and even though he's not a people person he's ready to do it again this year. We also do the angel tree and make sweets for our coworkers.
Oh my, this year my 5 kids, their Dad, my bff/cuz, her 2 boys, my bff M, and I think that's about it. I might do an exchange with my 2 other buddies, but not sure yet.
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