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Who's already saving up for Black Friday?


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I am trying my best but it is more of just to save money in general. We are doing good at not touching our ING money and that is really our only extra money so I don't think Chris would be willing for us to take that out. I think this year is going to be really low key but that is fine.



Forgot to add that, at this time, I am not really looking for anything. Maybe once the List comes out, I will see something that strikes my fancy but....don't need a computer, no new TV.....just got a DVR.....already have my down comforter.....


Really the only thing I will TRULY want is going to be a new electric mattress pad but we can get those at anytime and usually they aren't on sale.


With the possability that we might get to mve to a new house.......

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I just took a huge chunk of my money to pay down my HELOC. I'm sure I'll have something saved but most of my money is going to pay down the HELOC. I hope to have it paid off in 1 year.
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I have money I could spend, but I'm not sure if there'll be anything I want to buy... I'll have to wait until the ads come out and see. Unfortunately Lowe's and Home Depot don't have great Black Friday sales, that's the kind of stuff I'd REALLY like to spend money on. :)


So yeah, who knows if I'll even go shopping this BF.

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Ross (and Brad too)....do you guys enjoy BF as much when you have to do so much of the work for it? Getting all the deals set up and everything verified and all that.....is it still fun? Or, is it one of those...."yes, its tough but, when we see the 'look how much I saved through Gottadeal' threads, it makes it all worth it." type situations.
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Im saving up for 360 launch. I hoping to make more there than the last couple BFs combined.

I'll never understand why idiots are willing to pay more than retail for a game system that the manufacturer created artificial demand for to build hype. But more power to you. :) (I'm assuming from your comment that you plan to buy systems and resell them)

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Ross (and Brad too)....do you guys enjoy BF as much when you have to do so much of the work for it? Getting all the deals set up and everything verified and all that.....is it still fun? Or, is it one of those...."yes, its tough but, when we see the 'look how much I saved through Gottadeal' threads, it makes it all worth it." type situations.

The work we do to prepare is fun, the build-up and anticipation for BF is fun, the actual day is fun, reading the threads is fun. If it was that much of a hassle, we wouldn't do it, but we know a lot of people like it and we'll get a lot of new people coming to the site, which benefits everyone in the long run.
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The work we do to prepare is fun, the build-up and anticipation for BF is fun, the actual day is fun, reading the threads is fun. If it was that much of a hassle, we wouldn't do it, but we know a lot of people like it and we'll get a lot of new people coming to the site, which benefits everyone in the long run.

I'll echo what Brad said.


Our mission is to save people money, educate consumers and have fun in the process.


Black Friday is the Superbowl of Hot Deals and I'm not even a football fan :2football

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LOL guys.


I see what you mean. I have a blast once the list comes out, just checking everything, getting a route down for Chris to make it as easy as possable for him. **Easy for Chris means more toys for Leah.** :rofl2: But, just the whole process is a blast and I think it has a lot to do with this site.

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Judging by this thread, it looks like a lot of the current active members joined around black friday last year... maybe we'll get some more to stick around this year. :)

I did! I took a couple of months off though after Christmas or New Years. I did a Google search for Black Friday lists and I think this was the first site that came up. I liked what I saw. Lucky for all of ya'll. :lolrun:

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Yeah, we'll have a lot of new members again this year, plus we'll be contacting all those people who were here last year reminding them about the site, so when they come back we can all yell at them for leaving after BF, lol.


Hopefully those of you who found the site last year during BF can help us out this year by spreading the word about the site wherever else you happen to post.

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Im saving up for 360 launch. I hoping to make more there than the last couple BFs combined.

Yup the 360 launch will determine what I can spend on BF. Hope they are selling for a ton on ebay. I hold number 3 and 4 of the first shipment at EB and number 2 at Gamestop lol. Can you tell we preordered early :)

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I have $150 in my hiding place so far! (have a stash in my dresser) LOL. My husband doesn't like me to bring tons of cash so he always wants me to use our debit card and/or credit card. I deposit the money I save up a couple days before so its in the bank when I use the debit. Im one of those people who get in line by 1 or 2 am so I don't carry a purse. Put my ID and debit/credit card in my jeans pocket and go. Sometimes Im in line so early, its just me for a bit. So I don't want to hold a purse. Where Im at, if you aren't in line by 2am, you're past 20th or so in line. A bunch of die hard shoppers here!
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Judging by this thread, it looks like a lot of the current active members joined around black friday last year... maybe we'll get some more to stick around this year. :)

Thats where I came from. Last years BF and kinda been around ever since. I love it here :)



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I have a savings that I use entirely for Christmas gifts. That's where my BF money comes from. If it's a deal on something I know a family member would like, then I'll go out of my way on BF to get it. Sometimes my wife and I will buy a gift for the 2 of us from a BF sale.


This will be the first time I'm using a forum for BF deals, and I'm excited to see what Brad has done. I wish I had joined a couple of months earlier...I'm sure I could have found some great deals for last Christmas.

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I'll never understand why idiots are willing to pay more than retail for a game system that the manufacturer created artificial demand for to build hype. But more power to you. :) (I'm assuming from your comment that you plan to buy systems and resell them)

People want something, and they have the money to get it.

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I have a savings that I use entirely for Christmas gifts. That's where my BF money comes from. If it's a deal on something I know a family member would like, then I'll go out of my way on BF to get it. Sometimes my wife and I will buy a gift for the 2 of us from a BF sale.


This will be the first time I'm using a forum for BF deals, and I'm excited to see what Brad has done. I wish I had joined a couple of months earlier...I'm sure I could have found some great deals for last Christmas.


You will so not be disappointed Nate. Brad and Ross do an awesome job here and the people who come in are usually all great.

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This will be the first time I'm using a forum for BF deals, and I'm excited to see what Brad has done. I wish I had joined a couple of months earlier...I'm sure I could have found some great deals for last Christmas.

That's the thing - although there are some legit hot deals on BF, many of the items in the sale ads can be found online for the same price or cheaper in the weeks before Christmas. In fact, we are going to specifically point out many of these items on either the site or the forum. We'll say "Best Buy has this DVD player in their ad for $49.99, but you can order it now for $44.99 with free shipping at Amazon", etc...


That's part of the reason we have the site in the first place, to let people know that many times you can get the same item cheaper online and not have to deal with the crowds. That can cut down on the number of stores you need to hit on BF, increasing your chances of getting everything you want.

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