masylimed Posted December 1, 2009 Posted December 1, 2009 My order is now showing on the website. Phew...I feel better.
debi9999 Posted December 2, 2009 Posted December 2, 2009 i did try to call as well as online- OVER and OVER and OVER all night-i finally got thru at 10:30p online and OF COURSE the things i wanted were o.o.s! HOWEVER - i did shoot them an email at about 1p requesting the items i wanted and gave them all my info- so im CROSSING the fingers it goes thru!! LOL! if not, i AM technically done shopping- these were just going to be extra items- because they were on sale! and i can't seem to let a good sale go by me! lol ;-)AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!:mad::mad: i so need to vent! so i NEVER got thru- literally had my phone at work tyring to get thru- even tried online while friends phone was on the internet at their site, AND had my cell redialing also- i sent an email thru at about 1p requesting the items i was trying to order- gave them all y info inc. cc# HOPING it would go thru-(here it is)dear american girl,i have been trying to place an order for over FOUR hours- these are thethings i want- 2 chrissa snow outfit- on sale today for $20 each 2snowboards- on sale today for $16 each 1 fun in the sun jumper set onsale today for $12 1 fun in the sun short set on sale today for $12 2snowboard accessorys on sale today for $16 each 1 minute mysteries 2 onsale today for $2 1 tropical waves beach set on sale today for $12 IF icould get onto the website- i could give you item numbers- i cannot evendo that! my credit card number is XXXXXXXXXXXX9152 08/11 debi kxxx7153 heatherwood xxxxxx6 -3xx-xx1 your site and phone havebeen down all day- and i would REALLY appreciate my order going thru-seeing as i have sat on hold/ trying to check out for over four hourstoday! PLEASE let me know if this order goes thru! i deserve thatcourtesy for the hours i have spent trying to do this!!!!! tues got an email saying we received your email- and an answer will be following shortly. just logged on- and had an email from them :Dear Ms. Korfker, We apologize for the difficulty you experienced while trying to place anorder on November 30, 2009. Our Cyber Monday specials created very highvolume on our website and phones causing significant delays. Cyber Monday specials ended at 11:59 p.m. Central Standard Time on11/30/2009 as planned. However, because of the technical issues weexperienced with our website, we have decided to expand the list ofproducts in our "Spotlight Savings deals". To place an order we will need to speak with you directly. Please do notsend credit card information via e-mail as this is not a secure methodof communication. Please call Customer Service at the toll-free numberlisted below so that we may process your order. Thank you for your patience. We appreciate your business. Sincerely, American Girl® Customer Service so i call- MIRACULOUSLY all the items but one are still available- however - not on sale anymore- and then she tells me that they extended the sale another 24 hours- b/c of the problems with the volume.... i asked if they would extend the sale to me seeing as 1. i didnt receive the email from them until one am this morning- AFTER the 24 hours and their email NEVER stated it was only 24 hours! asked her boss- and she said no- that it was for 24 hours, not 72.....and that there are still over 20 things on sale and as a COURTESY to methye will take my shipping down from 19.95 to 9.95! WTF!!!!! serioulsy? so i of course am PISSED because your email NEVER told me 24 hours- AND you sent it at 1am TODAY!!!! DUH! so i told her that this was TERRIBLE customer service and i will be contacting the president AND posting it on a forum where i KNOW there are other upset peope who could not get thru!!! i am not asking them to give me something i wasnt already ordering- i just feel they should honor my original order request! for me now its principal- customer service can either make or break you- and unfortunately- they are an exclusive store- and its not like i can go to the local store and purchase the same item- but that doesnt mean you dont try to work with someone! and ten bucks wasnt enough- i literally spent all flipping day/night on this! yep- still fuming! :mad:
lakj98 Posted December 2, 2009 Posted December 2, 2009 Debi, I would be very upset as well. They should honor those prices.
debi9999 Posted December 2, 2009 Posted December 2, 2009 Debi, I would be very upset as well. They should honor those prices.thank you! its totally principal now for me- i received the email after the 24 hours and it said to PROCESS my order- not MAKE an order! I sent off an email to the president! we'll see what happens! i was ok with missing the sale- (bummed- but ok) but when i got that email and was told on the phone they extended it- but i was told AFTER- thats when i got mad!
kellmarr Posted December 3, 2009 Posted December 3, 2009 Wow - after hearing this nightmare story I have even more of a reason to purchase the handmade AG style clothes that a local crafter makes. I already am not a huge fan of AG as they havent given me the best customer service in the past and I dont like the fact that they never have any codes and such available. I may still purchase a particular outfit from time to time - but I would love to let AG know that because of their poor customer service I wont be placing an order with them anytime soon. My daughter doesnt so much care that the CLOTHES are AG - and as I say we have a local woman who makes BEAUTIFUL handmade clothes for them and they are somewhat cheaper than the AG store despite being handmade! Debi - if you have further contact with them - let them know that they have lost more than just one sale because of their poor service!
cjs9473 Posted December 3, 2009 Posted December 3, 2009 Wow - after hearing this nightmare story I have even more of a reason to purchase the handmade AG style clothes that a local crafter makes. I already am not a huge fan of AG as they havent given me the best customer service in the past and I dont like the fact that they never have any codes and such available. I may still purchase a particular outfit from time to time - but I would love to let AG know that because of their poor customer service I wont be placing an order with them anytime soon. My daughter doesnt so much care that the CLOTHES are AG - and as I say we have a local woman who makes BEAUTIFUL handmade clothes for them and they are somewhat cheaper than the AG store despite being handmade! Debi - if you have further contact with them - let them know that they have lost more than just one sale because of their poor service!My daughter got her doll in September and there was one particular outfit on the site she wanted. I broke down and got it for her for Christmas, but from here on in I am going the same route as you. I may even try to make some myself. It's the fact that they know the demand for the dolls and accessories is great, yet they really don't do much to make it more affordable for the average consumer. The quality may be good, but I still think they are way overpriced!
Damien9104 Posted December 3, 2009 Author Posted December 3, 2009 Wow, I am almost sorry I posted this link. I feel bad for everyone that had trouble. I will be contacting American Girl just on a site wide complaint and I will for sure mention you Debi because that upsets me so much. They should have honored the prices. As much money as that company brings in makes me NEVER want to purchase another real AG item. I think I will stick with Our Generation from Target for my Nieces. So Sorry Everyone!!!
nat1jen Posted December 3, 2009 Posted December 3, 2009 Debi, they should definitely honor the prices if the items are in stock! Did you ever talk to a supervisor? Try calling them today and immediately ask to speak with a supervisor. I know that they were slammed with orders, but it is no excuse for poor customer service. AG has always been known for awesome customer service. I also sent an email on Monday regarding an item. I got an acknowledgement on Tuesday, and I didn't get the actual response until Wednesday. You need to explain that customer service was slow in getting back to you. If they had gotten back to you more quickly, you could have ordered with the lower prices. Since you sent your email during the sale, the prices should be honored. Just keep pushing to talk to someone else.
debi9999 Posted December 3, 2009 Posted December 3, 2009 Debi, they should definitely honor the prices if the items are in stock! Did you ever talk to a supervisor? Try calling them today and immediately ask to speak with a supervisor. I know that they were slammed with orders, but it is no excuse for poor customer service. AG has always been known for awesome customer service. I also sent an email on Monday regarding an item. I got an acknowledgement on Tuesday, and I didn't get the actual response until Wednesday. You need to explain that customer service was slow in getting back to you. If they had gotten back to you more quickly, you could have ordered with the lower prices. Since you sent your email during the sale, the prices should be honored. Just keep pushing to talk to someone else.i actually "tried" to talk to someone else on weds am when i called and thats when the lady came back on after talking to her supervisor and went thru the whole... "the sale was extended another 24 hours-and if you look you will see some items are still at sale price" blah blah blah-and thats when i was like- WELL- i got the info at ONE AM and your email to me says to call to PROCESS the order- not to place an order- so that made it seem you had my order waiting to talk live to me-and so i tried to state my case again and she came back from talking to her super and then they offered me 10$ off the 19.95 shipping it would now cost me to pay full price and i told her that was unnacceptable and i would be contacting the president of AG and i am on a forum (yeah gotta deal!) where i know alot of people had problems monday and i will post this on there-and i said the interenet is a very big tool and i told her that i just couldnt talk to her anymore because i was going to get angry! i did shoot off an email to the president of AG- havent heard anything yet.... i have been a manager of restaurants for over 20 years- and let me tell you- it IS all about CUSTOMER SERVICE! i will do ANYTHING to make your experience enjoyable! if you tell me- after you eat the whole steak -you didnt like it- its off your bill and heres a gift card to come back and try us again! i just had a couple in celebrating their 50th anniversary- i gave them 50% off bill! you have to do whatever it takes to make people happy and want to come back- esp. in this economy! i have actually bought a lot of the clothes from craft fairs- luckily my girls dont care about the label- they still like to get ag ones tho too! and my youngest is due for her doll in march- and im so torn! i will boycott if you piss me off- but i cant punish carly tho either and not get her her doll- they get them for their 6th bday! shes lookign forward to this! i think i may have to look at ebay for a doll! i am seriously thinking about boycotting for one year tho- i figured out i spent over 1000$ last year between the store in chigago, new york (sil went and got me things) and xmas and bdays~ so probably just pocket change to them- but alot of money to me! i laughed today in the mail when i got the renewal for their magazine! oh what to do! thanks for letting me vent and the support! it really makes me feel ike im not just being a brat or whatever- :-)
nat1jen Posted December 3, 2009 Posted December 3, 2009 (edited) Deb, I have just been on the phone with AG for about 30 minutes telling them about your situation. Yes, I love AG and am still shocked at your pitiful experience with them. I first talked to the order dept who in turn talked to her floor manager. They both agreed that this needed to be elevated. I then talked to customer service at length. She said that you need to call 1-800-845-0005 and ask specifically to speak with a supervisor in customer service. If the supvr is not available, have a supvr call you back. Just talk, in person, to the the supvr and see what they can do. I just saw your previous post. Please tell the customer service person that you must talk to the supervisor. According to the person that I just spoke with, they should transfer you or have the supvr call you back. ETA: Remind the supervisor that Gottadeal has 180,000 members and this thread has already had over 12,000 views. Doing the right thing will go a long way for AG!! I just can't imagine that they wouldn't do the right thing for you. AG normally bends over backwards for the customer. It's worth one more phone call. Good luck! I want this to work out for you. Edited December 3, 2009 by nat1jen
cjq Posted December 3, 2009 Posted December 3, 2009 My daughter is just now getting "into" AG. She'll be 7 in March and was thinking about getting her her first doll. (I even checked out this sale, but didn't buy anything.) This has me thinking about steering her another direction away from AG. I just can't handle poor customer service. Deb, I hope this works out for you.
cokemeyer Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 Wow, I am almost sorry I posted this link. I feel bad for everyone that had trouble. I will be contacting American Girl just on a site wide complaint and I will for sure mention you Debi because that upsets me so much. They should have honored the prices. As much money as that company brings in makes me NEVER want to purchase another real AG item. I think I will stick with Our Generation from Target for my Nieces. So Sorry Everyone!!!please do not be sorry! I was very grateful to see the post because I got a lot of nice things last Cyber Monday and totally forgot this year until I saw it. People will continue to buy AG stuff because it is well-made and collectible but of course let's all hope they learn a lesson from the problems on Monday and get their act together - both technically and customer service-wise!
debi9999 Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 Deb, I have just been on the phone with AG for about 30 minutes telling them about your situation. Yes, I love AG and am still shocked at your pitiful experience with them. I first talked to the order dept who in turn talked to her floor manager. They both agreed that this needed to be elevated. I then talked to customer service at length. She said that you need to call 1-800-845-0005 and ask specifically to speak with a supervisor in customer service. If the supvr is not available, have a supvr call you back. Just talk, in person, to the the supvr and see what they can do. I just saw your previous post. Please tell the customer service person that you must talk to the supervisor. According to the person that I just spoke with, they should transfer you or have the supvr call you back. ETA: Remind the supervisor that Gottadeal has 180,000 members and this thread has already had over 12,000 views. Doing the right thing will go a long way for AG!! I just can't imagine that they wouldn't do the right thing for you. AG normally bends over backwards for the customer. It's worth one more phone call. Good luck! I want this to work out for you.thank you for the suggestion to call again! i did call back and ask to speak to a supervisor- none were available- and the lady asked if she could help- and i said i already spoke to someone and need to go higher up- and she said to go ahead and try her- and ta-da! the issue has been resolved! i really appreciate all the support i have had on here! i LOVE this forum- it has saved me SOOOO much money over the years! my friends cannot believe it when i tell them i got this or that for such a great price and i tell them.... go to GOTTADEAL.COM !!! and with 5 kids- :eyepoppin i need to save all i can!!!
nat1jen Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 thank you for the suggestion to call again! i did call back and ask to speak to a supervisor- none were available- and the lady asked if she could help- and i said i already spoke to someone and need to go higher up- and she said to go ahead and try her- and ta-da! the issue has been resolved! i really appreciate all the support i have had on here! i LOVE this forum- it has saved me SOOOO much money over the years! my friends cannot believe it when i tell them i got this or that for such a great price and i tell them.... go to GOTTADEAL.COM !!! and with 5 kids- :eyepoppin i need to save all i can!!!I am so glad that it worked out. The customer service rep said that you could have kept trying until someone was willing to help you out. I am glad that you tried one more time. It makes me wonder if that other person that you talked to even spoke with her supervisor. I bet that she was having a bad day and took it out on you. Did they still have most of the items that you needed? I already rec'd one item today. I love the quality of the items. I'm so happy that you did decide to give them one more call!!
Rockfordmom Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 My daughter is just now getting "into" AG. She'll be 7 in March and was thinking about getting her her first doll. (I even checked out this sale, but didn't buy anything.) This has me thinking about steering her another direction away from AG. I just can't handle poor customer service. Deb, I hope this works out for you.AG normally does not have poor customer service. If you were seriously considering buying one for your daughter do not let the poor customer service shown to Deb influence your decision, it is not the norm.
masylimed Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 thank you for the suggestion to call again! i did call back and ask to speak to a supervisor- none were available- and the lady asked if she could help- and i said i already spoke to someone and need to go higher up- and she said to go ahead and try her- and ta-da! the issue has been resolved! i really appreciate all the support i have had on here! i LOVE this forum- it has saved me SOOOO much money over the years! my friends cannot believe it when i tell them i got this or that for such a great price and i tell them.... go to GOTTADEAL.COM !!! and with 5 kids- :eyepoppin i need to save all i can!!!Sooo....what happened? I've been on pins and needles waiting for the outcome. This whole thing has been like an episode of Lost or something! I just gotta know if you were able to get everything afterall. What does "resolved" mean? Did they give you any extra discounts or perks for all the drama? Don't leave me hanging!!! lol
lakj98 Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 Sooo....what happened? I've been on pins and needles waiting for the outcome. This whole thing has been like an episode of Lost or something! I just gotta know if you were able to get everything afterall. What does "resolved" mean? Did they give you any extra discounts or perks for all the drama? Don't leave me hanging!!! lol I was wondering the same thing. I hope you were able to get all of your items. I received my first shipment yesterday. Really fast shipping.
debi9999 Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 I am so glad that it worked out. The customer service rep said that you could have kept trying until someone was willing to help you out. I am glad that you tried one more time. It makes me wonder if that other person that you talked to even spoke with her supervisor. I bet that she was having a bad day and took it out on you. Did they still have most of the items that you needed? I already rec'd one item today. I love the quality of the items. I'm so happy that you did decide to give them one more call!!they had all but one of the three bitty baby outfits- she has the boy/girl twins because she is a fraternal twin- so i was able to get one boy and one girl outfit- they dont "match" - but i dont think she will reall notice!!! and they had all the other stuff except the 2 snowboards- they are back ordered until 1/29- so im guessiing that they will be valentines presents! lol! we'll still have snow here in michigan! i was kinda surprised they gave me the sale price on the backorder! but hey- ill take it! on a sad note- the new naughty puppy chewed the toes off carly's bitty twin last night.... so i guess i'll be calling back today to see if fixable - or ordering another! GRR!
Rockfordmom Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 It won't help anyone for Christmas & I don't know where all of you are at, but in Wisconsin once a year in May / June -ish they have a sale near Milwaukee (I think it was by Milwaukee, I can look up the exact info later if anyone wants it) of seconds and returns. They look brand new! They have the sale once a year and the bitty babies were $30 this year and the Molly & Rebecca... dolls were $60 and the books were $1-2 and they had other stuff really inexpensive. You have to buy a $5 ticket ahead of time and they mail you your tickets back with the time you are allowed into the sale. I think the whole thing was a fundraiser for the zoo, but they do it every year. And for anyone wondering if the dolls are really worth $90-100, the dolls hold up really well compared to dolls you get at the toy store. I know several girls in their late teens that still have their dolls from when they were little, it's something your daughter could pass on when she has a daughter. My daughter is almost 9 and plays with hers ALL THE TIME. Target has a brand of dolls with the same size clothes and similar accessories that you can use with AG dolls. I was leary even spending the $60 on the dolls but it was definietly worth it! It's not cheap, but they have a "hospital" that you can send your doll to get it fixed or it's hair un-knotted. And you don't even have to know how to sew, I had a scrap of fleece and made a little tie-blanket, poncho and googled "how to make a fleece hat" and made a had for my daughters dolls for Christmas.
debi9999 Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 I was wondering the same thing. I hope you were able to get all of your items. I received my first shipment yesterday. Really fast shipping.they had all but one of the three bitty baby outfits- she has the boy/girl twins because she is a fraternal twin- so i was able to get one boy and one girl outfit- they dont "match" - but i dont think she will reall notice!!! and they had all the other stuff except the 2 snowboards- they are back ordered until 1/29- so im guessiing that they will be valentines presents! lol! we'll still have snow here in michigan! i was kinda surprised they gave me the sale price on the backorder! but hey- ill take it! on a sad note- the new naughty puppy chewed the toes off carly's bitty twin last night.... so i guess i'll be calling back today to see if fixable - or ordering another! GRR!i was trying to be "vague" about the resolution because they actually asked me not to post on here about it!!! (interesting)- but no- i did not get anything "extra" - just my original order! i would have thought you would WANT me to let people know i was happy now....
cjq Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 I'm glad your deal worked out for you, Deb. It makes me more comfortable with AG as a consumer. I'm also glad to read the other posts about how well the dolls last. She wants one that looks like her and I know she'll like the story that goes with the girl.
nat1jen Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 AG normally does not have poor customer service. If you were seriously considering buying one for your daughter do not let the poor customer service shown to Deb influence your decision, it is not the norm.Yes, that's why I took the time to call AG yesterday and tell them about Deb's situation. AG normally goes far beyond what I am asking for to correct a problem and most of the time do it without me even asking. I just didn't want them to get a bad reputation when 99% of the time they have excellent service. I am so glad that it all worked out for Deb b/c she willing to give them one more try. :)
debi9999 Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 Yes, that's why I took the time to call AG yesterday and tell them about Deb's situation. AG normally goes far beyond what I am asking for to correct a problem and most of the time do it without me even asking. I just didn't want them to get a bad reputation when 99% of the time they have excellent service. I am so glad that it all worked out for Deb b/c she willing to give them one more try. :)yup- i still will be a loyal AG customer- i have never had problems before this- and i told them that- i have always been a happy customer! im glad it got fixed! on a side note- i called today about the puppy chewing the foot... and it cannot be fixed she said if it were his head- the can replace it- but not feet! im soooooooooo bummed! carly hasnt gotten upset by it yet- so maybe he will always just have to wear shoes!!!! i will probably replace him here soon- i want my girls to keep them FOREVER! :) we have 6 dolls and almost every accessory possible- and my girls 10, 8 and 6 play with them literally daily! the quality is awesome! and the happiness they bring my girls is priceless! i do definately recommend them for the people who are thinking of them! i have bought some of the accessories at target for the 18" dolls- (styling chair and scooter) and my girls have been happy with those too!
Damien9104 Posted December 4, 2009 Author Posted December 4, 2009 So glad you got it Deb! Congrats on your victory! LOL:cheesy:
ixrayu05 Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 It won't help anyone for Christmas & I don't know where all of you are at, but in Wisconsin once a year in May / June -ish they have a sale near Milwaukee (I think it was by Milwaukee, I can look up the exact info later if anyone wants it) of seconds and returns. They look brand new! They have the sale once a year and the bitty babies were $30 this year and the Molly & Rebecca... dolls were $60 and the books were $1-2 and they had other stuff really inexpensive. You have to buy a $5 ticket ahead of time and they mail you your tickets back with the time you are allowed into the sale. I think the whole thing was a fundraiser for the zoo, but they do it every year. And for anyone wondering if the dolls are really worth $90-100, the dolls hold up really well compared to dolls you get at the toy store. I know several girls in their late teens that still have their dolls from when they were little, it's something your daughter could pass on when she has a daughter. My daughter is almost 9 and plays with hers ALL THE TIME. Target has a brand of dolls with the same size clothes and similar accessories that you can use with AG dolls. I was leary even spending the $60 on the dolls but it was definietly worth it! It's not cheap, but they have a "hospital" that you can send your doll to get it fixed or it's hair un-knotted. And you don't even have to know how to sew, I had a scrap of fleece and made a little tie-blanket, poncho and googled "how to make a fleece hat" and made a had for my daughters dolls for Christmas.I would love to hear about the sale, I am only 30 mins from Milwaukee!
debi9999 Posted December 4, 2009 Posted December 4, 2009 I would love to hear about the sale, I am only 30 mins from Milwaukee!i would love to hear about it too! we are just across lake michigan! LOL! :)
charlatte99 Posted December 5, 2009 Posted December 5, 2009 I finally broke down and bought our first AG doll for my daughter. For those of you who hesitate at spending so much $$$ on a doll -the Gotz -Precious Day collection dolls are wonderful. Gotz is the original maker of AG dolls before they were Mattel started making them. Our daughter has had hers for 2 years now and it's still in great condition. You can usually get them for about $60. We also have the Target dolls and although they are very inexpensive their hair is HORRIBLE! The only problem w/ the Gotz dolls is that they don't have a huge selection of dolls.
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