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Need new refridgerator


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Help, my DH and I are purchasing a home and will close on the 8th of Dec. We'll move in shortly after. We will have to purchase a refridgerator because there is not one in the home. I am looking for the stainless steel french door style (freezer drawer on the bottom with the double doors on the top). I am not partial to brands and have a budget of about $2000. If anyone knows or see any deals on refridgerators please let me know. I am looking for the best deal for my dollar. Thanks!
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I think that best buy has one in their BF ad that is like $1,000 off and selling for $1,399. I need a new fridge too as ours gave out last week. I bought a used one from a friend of my sister's for $65, so i want to make an educated purchase.


but all the major refrigerators dealers seem to have one in their ad. I seen one in Best buy, Home depot and sears.

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Help, my DH and I are purchasing a home and will close on the 8th of Dec. We'll move in shortly after. We will have to purchase a refridgerator because there is not one in the home. I am looking for the stainless steel french door style (freezer drawer on the bottom with the double doors on the top). I am not partial to brands and have a budget of about $2000. If anyone knows or see any deals on refridgerators please let me know. I am looking for the best deal for my dollar. Thanks!

I really can't recall how much I paid, have to ask DH to look it up, but I got a LG 32 x 32 x 68 from BB this summer. Do alot of comparison immediately and I would decide as soon as possible--sometimes it takes 10-14 days. And mine came damaged....had to get exchange.


I have Freezer and drawer on bottom--lOVE it! I considered french doors type--but didn't get.

Keep in mind, as this is a fridge and you will have it for years--- if you use a big platter or pizza box, or sheet cake, those type of doors make it incredibly difficult getting large wide items in and out of fridge....although they look sweet....

GOOD LUCK Finding a great one.

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Home Depot and Lowes offer you a 10% discount if you are moving






my one piece of advice is to measure measure measure! And you might be able to reap the benefit from those who don't measure! I know I made a huge score on my fridge because the sides were scratched (it was stainless) because it didn't fit the space in someone's home! My luck the scratched side wasn't visible for me!

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