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>>> Best Buy Black Friday Ad Posted <<<

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Everyone seems real upset with the ad, but there are some really good deals in it. Most folks are probably disappointed there is no $179 desktop deal, $99 Netbook, or sub $200 laptop, but...

A 46" LED TV for $1600 is incredible! If I needed a TV I would be getting this. These LED sets are amazing!!


I agree that the LED sets are way cool, but the deal with the invite only sale this Sunday night I think is way way better- LG LED 47 inch with LG Blu-Ray player for $1399. It is a savings of $900 I think. I wish I had the $$ to go get it! (also the 55 inch with blu-ray for $1899 is pretty great too, savings of $1200 I believe)


BB obviously must be doing so well they don't need customers this year.

My thoughts exactly, I look forward to black friday with the intention of "saving money" not "spending money." The ad is very disappointing!:gdcry:

This is the saddest add I've seen in years.:yuck: They don't even have a deal on Norton antivirus! Maybe they're giving their employees the holiday weekend off! :gdsleep3: Glad my daughter & I bought our Sony 250 XBR9's early. 46" 1200. 52" 1300.

everyone may think this ad is a disappointment and I guess there are only a few items I would like too, however, I just purchased two TVs from Best Buy because I couldn't wait until BF. The prices they have on their name brand TVs are great compared to what was in store this past weekend. I think plenty of people will like those prices.


Its hard to get excited about BF when I am always reading nothing but disappointing messages on these boards. Maybe we should just stop going out on BF if its such a disappointing experience for everyone who complains about ads being so horrible.



Its hard to get excited about BF when I am always reading nothing but disappointing messages on these boards. Maybe we should just stop going out on BF if its such a disappointing experience for everyone who complains about ads being so horrible.


Yeah, ever year its the same thing. There are some good deals, and there are some deals in the ad not so good, but its a typical Black Friday ad. Those who say they have been going to BBY for 10 years and going to stop this year probably won't. We hear the same "umimpressed" message on every page of this forum.


Reality set in a couple years ago with al lthe leak sites that you can't have all your best deals on one day out of the year, whic his why we see Walmart do Saturday specials every week, and Best Buy offered their uber cheap laptops and tv's 1 to 2 weeks ago. People will show up for the Black Friday deals regardless ,they have the average shopper figured out.

After what happened last year at WM, stores are toning it down on BF & splitting up the deals. I guess I can't blame them. Someone's life is not worth a deal. BB's TV's started going on sale with better prices in Oct. They also had a laptop for $250 on 11/11. I don't think BF will ever be the same.

was at BB tonight and the salesguy told us

"well, not sure what the day after thanksgiving sales will be like this year" so I said "I do!!" Got some pretty dirty looks from his manager =)


LOL I do too when I have done it in the past. The sales people are told not to talk about the ad.


was at BB tonight and the salesguy told us

"well, not sure what the day after thanksgiving sales will be like this year" so I said "I do!!" Got some pretty dirty looks from his manager =)


LOL I do too when I have done it in the past. The sales people are told not to talk about the ad.

Classic... looks like ill be getting turkey (at home heh) this year! Either im first in the door or I don't bother. :tired:


Little Big Planet for the PS3 is one of the best games for the system.

Hopefully all these people here who state that the Bestbuy ad is bad spreads the word around. I like to be the only one this year standing in line


was at BB tonight and the salesguy told us

"well, not sure what the day after thanksgiving sales will be like this year" so I said "I do!!" Got some pretty dirty looks from his manager =)

lol Same thing happens to me all the time. I'll go in and check on some of the items I'm interested in to make sure the specs are what I want... a salesperson offers to help me and I'll tell him why I'm there, they always either don't know what's in the ad or try convincing me NO ONE knows what's in the ad until only a few days before and any ad I saw is wrong. Oh.... and I refer them to GOTTADEAL.COM so they can see the ad for their store... (yes I seriously do refer them to the site, lol)


LOL I do too when I have done it in the past. The sales people are told not to talk about the ad.

I've offered to let them see my copy a few times and they couldn't understand how zi had a copy before the store did, lol.

One store here has given up the secrecy game and put out all of the items in the aisles. I checked the shelves for heavy stock of some of the movies and games, and sure enought they magically had plenty of those in profusion as well(in comparison to the modest stock of other games). i went to another store, and they had yet to do the same thing. Situation normal.
Can anyone tell whether the $179 netbook is a doorbuster? It looks like it is for 2 days, but it says limited quantities. It is a Compaq and seems pretty much the same as the Acer that Office Depot has. I was wondering if this item might be one that you can buy online after midnight on Thanksgiving. I remember a few years ago they had a printer for $25 that said limited quantities but was not a doorbuster and I was able to order 2 online. It would save my mother having to get to BB near her and fight the crowds. The one near me closed this past year and it was never crowded cause it was not located near a lot of other stores.

Can anyone tell whether the $179 netbook is a doorbuster? It looks like it is for 2 days, but it says limited quantities. It is a Compaq and seems pretty much the same as the Acer that Office Depot has. I was wondering if this item might be one that you can buy online after midnight on Thanksgiving. I remember a few years ago they had a printer for $25 that said limited quantities but was not a doorbuster and I was able to order 2 online. It would save my mother having to get to BB near her and fight the crowds. The one near me closed this past year and it was never crowded cause it was not located near a lot of other stores.

Whatever you can buy before online is a great thing, that is why i bring a laptop with me, and prefer a Wifi hotspot close by. This year i will have a 9dbi antenna to bring in a stronger signal.

All of the ad scans we post are considered "rumors" until the real ad shows up on the stores site.


Shall we not mention the fact that there is now a 197$ laptop listed? Camp out me thinks.


Same thing BB did last year. They listed the 'ticket' items on their web page, and added a few items that were not in the sales paper.


The three additional ticket items are:


Samsung – 46" Class / 1080p / 120Hz / LCD HDTV - $999.99

Model: LN46B640 | SKU: 9293506


Sprint – Palm Pre Mobile Phone – Black - $79.99

Model: LX370 | SKU: 9337595


HP – Laptop with Intel® Celeron® Processor - $197.00

Model: G60-507DX | SKU: 9617193




Same thing BB did last year. They listed the 'ticket' items on their web page, and added a few items that were not in the sales paper.


The three additional ticket items are:


Samsung – 46" Class / 1080p / 120Hz / LCD HDTV - $999.99

Model: LN46B640 | SKU: 9293506


Sprint – Palm Pre Mobile Phone – Black - $79.99

Model: LX370 | SKU: 9337595


HP – Laptop with Intel® Celeron® Processor - $197.00

Model: G60-507DX | SKU: 9617193



I for one can vouch for the Palm Pre, awesome deal right there. The TV, if it came with a blu ray player or somthing id do that. But my sony 46in with free blu ray last week was good enough. That is a nice tv thoe.

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