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>>> Best Buy Black Friday Ad Posted <<<

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Who the heck can afford that 1600 TV? I can't believe they have that as a doorbuster.

LOL Okay, that is the tv I am after. That one or a larger one, maybe 50" or 52". I wanted the ps3 as well, not too familiar with the games though.


You do understand that the computer you're referring to is a netbook and NOT a laptop. Big difference in speed, size, etc.

yea .... I spoke to soon before actually taking my time and looking through it :)

Thank you..... I guess this means I can safely have turkey with the family this year, the worst Best Buy ad I've ever seen. I guess I'll break from my usual getting online and being one of the first on the line unless they come out with something spectacular in their "secret sale" which was also uninspiring last year. I think it was 1 laptop for $349 that wasn't even that powerful. Then again by the time any of these suppoesed ads come out, IF they do most of us WOULD have been on line already. Looks like I may just head to Staples at 7am and get the 1gb external hard drive for $69.99. That's the only thing worthwhile so far.

does anyone think the line will be crazy this year? i want to go for the 89.99 magellan and the 299 desktop (says there will be ten of them


I was thinking to get there around midnight? thoughts?

My guess is Midnight may be too late for the desktop but it all depends on your location and how many people are there. Where I go 2 years ago by about 2pm Thursday anyone not on line at that time wasn't getting the laptop deals, last year the ad was so bad I could have gotten the laptops had I arrived at about 8pm since so few people bothered to get out of bed for the Best Buy doorbusters. My thought is this year is even worse than last year but it all depends on how populated your area is and what time they line up. As far as the Magellan, I personally like Garmin better, a lot of places have the 205 on sale which I bought last year and it is excellent.


As I said in my video I would get inline no later then 12 noon on Thanksgiving.


My guess is Midnight may be too late for the desktop but it all depends on your location and how many people are there. Where I go 2 years ago by about 2pm Thursday anyone not on line at that time wasn't getting the laptop deals, last year the ad was so bad I could have gotten the laptops had I arrived at about 8pm since so few people bothered to get out of bed for the Best Buy doorbusters. My thought is this year is even worse than last year but it all depends on how populated your area is and what time they line up. As far as the Magellan, I personally like Garmin better, a lot of places have the 205 on sale which I bought last year and it is excellent.


How can everyone say that the $299 Compaq desktop deal is a great deal? IT"S NOT. :eyepoppin This is the same weekly price Best Buy put every week in their ads. And it's not even dual core Athlon, but solo. Do your homework.

Exactly. Traditionally, they used to offer a tower + monitor + printer for under $200.



As I said in my video I would get inline no later then 12 noon on Thanksgiving.

You are unfortunately, correct.

Dang this is weak...now i have to wait for Walmart looking for a good deal on Desktop computer...Thanks Brad for posting the ad

Same here. I am throughly unimpressed with the desktops so far this BF. right now my only hope left is that walmart has a decent deal on one.The two that I have seen advertised in the $200 price range are crappy as far as specs go.


I have never done bf at bb before and really cant camp out for days..so my question is, is most of their sales usually online too? I really want that starwars leapster 2 bundle for 49.99 and it does not say doorbuster on it but does say minimum of 8 per store, so do u think this will be online as well or am I out of luck? Thanks in advance =)

price match if you can find the same bundle @ wally world or some where.


My needs aside, I honestly think this is a pretty lousy ad. I'm not all that surprised, though, given that CC is no longer around as their direct competitor. Oh, and I had a dream last night that this ad was gonna come out & be unimpressive :D But we all know people will camp out and the place will be mobbed as always.


One thing that did catch my eye, however, was the 1.5TB MyBook for $120 - that's what my parents just paid to get me the 1TB one for my birthday! :bigcry:


I couldn't wait to see this ad. It's like a blind date with an ugly girl. Who would have thunk old Sears and Roebuck might have the longest lines??? :yuck:


Haha that made my day. I agree. I'm looking for a smaller TV --- Does anyone know if the Dynex is any good? I was looking for a more popular name brand, but the price is pretty good for the 19"


Brad, you are the man!!! Thank you so much for all of this!!!! :)


I am looking for a laptop and I really do not have a clue as to what to look for. If anyone has any thoughts of all of the BF laptops, please let me know which one is really worth it.


Thank you in advance for your insights!!

Maybe would go for the camera deals. Might get a few PS3 games too. Nothing to get excited about and expected better but if I go out on BF I guess I'll be at Best Buy unless Frys can do better...

Eh I was looking for a PS3 deal but those games are terrible. I just glanced at it but did it say 6 games with the X box?


I might just forget getting the PS3 and go for the Samsung Blu ray for $149. Is that the same BD player that Sears has for $149?


Very disappointed with the laptop deals. No deals at all.

Are most reading this in agreement that these games offered with PS3 are awful? I know someone told DS that he liked the Rachet one...but he could have bad taste...;)


disappointing ad. Last year was the best deal (I got a Blu Ray Player for $199.99 and ordered it online at BestBuy.com on Thanksgiving Day).


I don't brave Best Buy anyway. I did once a few years ago, but later in the morning, not at 5 AM


My needs aside, I honestly think this is a pretty lousy ad. I'm not all that surprised, though, given that CC is no longer around as their direct competitor. Oh, and I had a dream last night that this ad was gonna come out & be unimpressive :D But we all know people will camp out and the place will be mobbed as always.


One thing that did catch my eye, however, was the 1.5TB MyBook for $120 - that's what my parents just paid to get me the 1TB one for my birthday! :bigcry:

Yup I saw that too but Staples has a 1TB for $69.99 without the long lines and they always have plenty in stock. The BB ad is the worst I ever saw. Last year the line was only 30% of what it was the year before, my guess is this year it will be half what it was last year, and for the first time in 12 years I won't be on line at BB. A few decent deals but nothing worth my missing Thanksgiving and being on line early. My family wasn't even planning on me joining the family but with ads this bad I'll be having turkey Thursday evening, then maybe going to Staples or Sears to line up even though they don't usually have lines, but I HAVE to be on line somewhere all night, it's been a tradition...... only BB obviously must be doing so well they don't need customers this year.


I couldn't wait to see this ad. It's like a blind date with an ugly girl. Who would have thunk old Sears and Roebuck might have the longest lines??? :yuck:



Are most reading this in agreement that these games offered with PS3 are awful? I know someone told DS that he liked the Rachet one...but he could have bad taste...;)

I only see Sports games....

Oh boy! GD shouldn't even post this ad. I'm very upset with costco. Through out the year they take my money. They have this one chance to give back to the loyal customers who keep them in business and NOTHING. Absolutely NOTHING at all.:gdangry3:

Are most reading this in agreement that these games offered with PS3 are awful? I know someone told DS that he liked the Rachet one...but he could have bad taste...;)

The rachet game is ok but neither of my kids want it we rented it when DS17's friends had his PS3 here....it is so not worth it for me to get in line for that I find deals on games all the time and my time is worth way more then $20-$40 to stand in line for games that they will never play...I am just gonna order off amazon.


Haha that made my day. I agree. I'm looking for a smaller TV --- Does anyone know if the Dynex is any good? I was looking for a more popular name brand, but the price is pretty good for the 19"

I bought a 19" Dynex TV about a year and a half ago for $219 - a steal at the time. I have used it in my camper for a two seasons now. Very happy with it. At $129 net after getting the gift card this is a really good deal. I am considering getting one for my 12 year old's room.

Yup I saw that too but Staples has a 1TB for $69.99 without the long lines and they always have plenty in stock. The BB ad is the worst I ever saw. Last year the line was only 30% of what it was the year before, my guess is this year it will be half what it was last year, and for the first time in 12 years I won't be on line at BB. A few decent deals but nothing worth my missing Thanksgiving and being on line early. My family wasn't even planning on me joining the family but with ads this bad I'll be having turkey Thursday evening, then maybe going to Staples or Sears to line up even though they don't usually have lines, but I HAVE to be on line somewhere all night, it's been a tradition...... only BB obviously must be doing so well they don't need customers this year.[/QUOTe


Target has one too for $59.98


Everyone seems real upset with the ad, but there are some really good deals in it. Most folks are probably disappointed there is no $179 desktop deal, $99 Netbook, or sub $200 laptop, but...

A 46" LED TV for $1600 is incredible! If I needed a TV I would be getting this. These LED sets are amazing!! I just hope one of my friends or family members needs this because it alone would make the campout worthwhile. I do have at least one friend looking for a 32" LCD and the Sony 720p one at $377.99 is a deal. He will be using as his primary TV so I would not recommed the Dynex 32" at $299. I may pick up the 19" Dynex for my son.

My sister is looking for a PS3 so the deal with two games is worthwhile. Sister in law and neighbor both need a monitor - the Acer 20" HD LCD is a steal - $80 off!. I will be picking up two of these.

Getting the Insignia camera for my boy for Christmas - a savings of $50. Getting the 1.5 TB HDD for myself - another $50 savings.

And finally I will probably pick up the Sony laptop for a co-worker. I think this is about $250 off suggested price.


So I may be spending up to $3K at BB this year and will save up to $1900. Not sure what my BF companions will be looking at yet. I would say it is worth packing up my tent and spending some quality time in BB's parking lot.


They use to have desktops for $149 a few years back.

Fours years ago to be exact....my son still uses his Emachines $149 black friday desktop....mind you it didn't come with flatscreen monitor but an extra $150 isn't worth it to me. What is BB thinking???? Target wins my business this year for electronics unless Walmarts ad totally rocks!

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