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What preparation do you do on Thanksgiving for BF?

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I am lucky enough to live in an area where the local newspaper comes out in the afternoon. This means the BF ads are out in papers Wednesday evening, so I can have all of Wed. evening to strategize. The next morning I head out early for the K-Mart Thanksgiving Day sale. Then I come home and prepare the meal so we can eat around one. Then I have all evening to cut out pictures, write down sizes, colors and develop the schedule and assignments for my shopping team which usually consists of about 12-15 people. We have 7 children, most of which are teenagers or college students. And they in turn enlist their friends or girlfriends to help. Black Friday is a big event in our household - I sometimes think our kids look more forward to Black Friday than they do Christmas morning! (I know I do!) :cheesy:
On Thanksgiving last year, I went to one of my parents friend's house down in Auburn and they had a little potluck there a one dish party and we ate, we looked at various ads at what the major retailers are doing and that was pretty much it. I mean we stayed there till like midnight and next morning, BLACK FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I usally stay up all night waiting till i am brave enuff to go get the paper lol its dark and cold and very quite at 5 am lol i stay up because we live in a small town and only have a few newspaper box things that actually have ads in them and they are all gone by 6ish lol Then i go home start cooking and layout all the ads in the floor and cut and paste(my 2 yr old son loves this part lol) to index cards then gather all m y info i need layout my offical plan of action then take my hubby t-day dinner(he works that day:( hes a butcher and its deer season) and go to my moms to eat then get ready to go out im usally on the forums like crazy answering all the "anyone in line yet" threads lol
Get up around 5 ish, go get the paper. Go pick up my Mom and head straight to K-mart. We go through the ads while waiting on K-mart to open. Come back to her home and we begin to prepare T-day food, while planning our black friday attack.

I get up at least an hour before the CVS ad begins that morning, wake up the kids just before heading out so they can get started on the day... get whatever our local CVS has in stock of the sale items... home, finish getting ready and head on our 30 min drive to the next town, finish anything at their CVS that ours didn't have, pick up the paper there for the town we go shopping in (our local town doesn't carry the right paper and we miss ads if we don't get this one).. go to my DH's grandparents, help them cook dinner, etc.... talk to them about the ads and if they want something I know is on sale cheaper elsewhere (thanks to GD) we discuss all that. Then after clean up I head home.


Once home I spread the ads out and call my sister and we make the master plan final. This is the plan we've been working on daily since the ads start appearing on GD. Go to bed much later then I intend to (happens every year) with anticipation of the fun tomorrow when my sister arrives VERY early for our drive to shop (takes over 1 hour to get to a town with anything other than a walmart)


We are always beat.. but the next morning we will start planning BF 2010 :D


Thanks to Gottadeal.com (click the link to go there :tongue1:), I get my ads early and don't need to buy a paper, lol. I plan weeks in advance from the ads posted on their site. It's a great website to find deals, highly recommended ;).




We are already camping on Thanksgiving. I wanted to reply because my BF companions want to do a 'dry run' this weekend on setting up our tent. I personally called them rookies and that it wasn't necessary, but they offered beer - so I am in. :D


Seriously though, we all agreed last year on some improvements to our setup and they want to try some things out - like a better door to get in and out to reduce heat loss.


31 days to BF!

I made the mistake of trying to go to Kmart last year, the 25 minute drive brought me face to face with a taped piece of filler pape on the Kmart door that said, closed. that's it closed..... I was so ripped. I went home tended to the bird the family that arrived and then at 6 annouced " I love you all, I hope you are well fed, everyone have their left overs? Godd, it's 6pm, i love you- get out I am goin to bed for the BF battle!"
I live in a small town so we can't get any of the papers for Kmart or Toysrus or anything like that. I also usually have Thanksgiving dinner that night. So what I usually do, is cook whatever I can the night before. Then I usually go to Kmart for their Thanksgiving sale and try to get their paper. I also rely on this website and each store's website for their BF sale. Then after all of my company leaves, me and my friend call each other or IM each other and see what stores we go to first, 2nd, and so on.:)
I am the cook of the family along with the family Christmas gift shopper....so Thanksgiving day is a BUSY day for me....I get up before 7 and start cooking (at least what I did not do the night before). Send my Mom or Dad out to get papers for the ADs while I am cooking. Then I haul all the food to my Parents house where my brothers family and my 2 sisters family all meet for dinner. (22 of us and growing) then after dinner everyone sits down and looks at the ADs. Everyone gives me a list of what they want from our parents for Christmas. Then I go home and put everyone's wish list into my family's list. I will be up all night planning my route, and getting my shopping list together (there is a big group of us that shop together) So I am on the phone with all of them as they are all in line at stores. I get all their list too and add it on my list....then print a dozen copies. Leave the house around 2 AM and met up with each person that is already in line for stores. Give them the updated list and bring them breakfast:) The rest of the day is spent touching base with everyone and making sure ever store is hit.When all the shopping is done we all met at one place separate our bags, everyone gets everything the "ordered" in their cars, tally up who owes who what and head home. ....by the time I get home on Friday. I sleep about 4 hours LOL
On TG morning, my mom usually gets the paper & then we watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade whilst we work on our shares of the family dinner(my mom cooks ham, my sister the potato salad, and I make a cake). Then we take every sales paper that we can find & take them to grandma's with us later in the day. At grandmas, our family usually searches through the papers for sales that they would be interested in & we all circle what we want & we put our names over them, then we make a plan for the stores that we will visit. After everyone gets there, we all eat dinner and after dinner we usually do something fun(like turn on some old music & dance or watch a movie together). Then afterwards we all go home & I call up some of my friends & ask if they would like to join us and usually after that I go to sleep. :)
Early in the morning my hubby goes out to the store to get the 2 papers and coffee, comes home, wakes me up with coffee (MMMmmm) and we read the sales papers marking out the things we are getting. Then we plan what store we go to first, second and so on. I pack the diaperbag or get my pocketbook cleaned out so I don't ahve to fuss with anything. We drop off our oldest children at our friends house after dinner for a sleep over. We keep the youngest with us, she is 1 now but was 2 months last BF!
I get up early and get about 10 papers. I give one to each child and let them start going through the adds to finalize their christmas list. DH and I do the same. I then cut out the pictures of the items we are buying and glue them to pieces of paper for each store. I make 4 copies of these so that each shopping partner has a copy and a visual of just what to grab. I also leave a back up in the car in case one gets lost or damaged. My friend does the same so I have copies of hers too. That way we can divide the store into quarters and my dh her dh she and I get only the items in our quadrant. I know its a tad bit OCD but it helps cut down on time if there is any question about a price or model number when in the checkout line. This year we are having Thanksgiving together so we can make our lists at the same time and have a seperate collage for price matching at each store. It is great to have reliable shopping partners that are as crazy as myself.
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