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One thread asked us what we were getting for whom (or who??) and I thought I knew what I wanted to get DD6. Now I am not so sure. I am thinking of changing at least some of my ideas. Those might change agian too once I see the ads. Does anyone elso go back and forth with ideas?

Absolutely I do.


Depends on what commercials are on tv as to what the Toy Du Jour is.

I take notice of what the kids really seem to like throughout the whole season and not just what they like now. Once the weather changes and they are indoors more,they seem to like board games,Legos,KNex and video/computer games,arts and crafts,cooking etc.


Commercials really affect the kids' wish lists!

I always have a general idea of what I want, but it can definitely be influenced heavily by the BF ads. Like I know DS wants bakugans and a bike from Santa....and that's all he has asked for. So I'm waiting to see the ads to decided what will be the mom/dad present.

I change quite a bit up until Christmas morning (when you are out of days to change LOL)


At this time the only things set in stone are her "big" gifts (PS2 and laptop, both of which we already have here), an iCarly MP3 player, some DS games, wowee lion cub, and some zhu zhu pets. All of which are also here already hiding waiting to be wrapped.


I do know I'm getting her an easy bake oven. After that I have no idea. LOL Amazon usually helps me change my mind often once their good deals start. hehe

Oh yes, I change my list often! I have a small notebook that I keep in my purse and have all my lists written in. I write everything in pencil because I know it's very possible that every item on the list will be changed by the time Christmas arrives.
Absolutely. I am constantly making new lists for everyone I buy for. Especially DS. He sees so many things he wants on his laptop (he's such an internet junkie) and on tv.

With DD15 and DD18 I give them a deadline for their list. Normally after Thanksgiving I don't let them change anything!

That is what I do with my sister who is 18, but it then I usually find something else for her.

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