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Kindle or something similar


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I am looking for a cheap Kindle or somethign similar. My mom loves to read and I really want to get her one of these but I can't afford the high price. I was wondering if I could find a refurb one or a device similar to the Kindle that I can put books on for her. Also, are there any places that give you free book downloads?



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I have a kindle and I LOVE it. It is so worth the $$ in my opinion. www.kindleboards.com is a great site that has a section that lists bargain books. Amazon will put books on special and Authors can also self publish their digital books on amazon and you can get those books pretty cheap.


The classics are also free on Amazon.


Another site is feedbooks.com. They have books in other formats besides the kindle format which would be nice for other book readers. Keep in mind that book readers have different formats and if you get something other than a Kindle your mom might have issues downloading off of Amazon.


Ebay would probably be the place to look for a cheaper Kindle if that was the brand you wanted (I am partial to it because I LOVE it). The kindleboards.com website also has a for sale section.

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amazon has kindle 1 refurbs for$159.00 and Kindle 2 refurbs for $219 . the kindle 2 is now $259 it dropped last week $40. I n our family we have kindle 1 and a kindle 2 and we love them. Manybooks.net also has free books and can download directly to your kindle like Amazons with out a computer.


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I think Apple iPhones and iPod Touches can work as readers too.


You might find a refurb Touch at a good price at apple.com.


But I'm going on stuff I read a while ago, so do some research... http://s23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileypad/Yes/ok.gif

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I have a Sony ereader - got it for $199 several months ago and I love it. Sony's website offers a few books every month for free- mostly Harlequin romance types. The books on the Sony website are about the price you would pay with a coupon at Borders, etc. Not great but ok. I have not found compatible "free" sites out there - but I bet they do exist if you are more technically savvy and can convert programs.
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I have a sony e-reader, bought for 229 (with the cover) about a week ago @ best buy and got a $25 gift card for free. I absolutely LOVE it! I downloaded the free books offered by Sony at their store, and found some new authors that way.


Also, don't forget one source of ebooks many overlook.... your local library! Many libraries have a subscription to overdrive, and you can download books for a normal lending time (anywhere from 1 - 4 weeks).

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