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Pets and Christmas


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My Chihuahua gets a Jumbone in her stocking every year - it's always as big as she is, and it'll take her all of a week to eat it, but she knows it's a special day.


My mom and sister tend to buy my dog a new sweater or blanket or treats. Other than that, I'm just lucky I don't wake up every day in december to shredded wrapping paper!

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lol, I usually get a big bone for the dogs and maybe a little something for the cat. We have 6 lizards and a bird, we don't get presents for the lizards though, lol. The parrot is new so we might, especially since it hears all the kids and calls my wife "ma" lol
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I dont give gifts to my cats. I am crazy cat lady too. Honestly I want all the cats in the world so I must be crazy.


My cats dont really play with toys, or eat treats. So what would I get them? They love playing with wadded up paper and a laser thing thats it. I got a big thing full of toys for them but they dont play with them.


I do get my moms dog a toy because he does play with toys.


I see nothing wrong with gifts for pets, they are our babies after all.

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We always get our dog a couple gifts....this year he will get a new ball and some treats! This year I will wait closer to x-mas to get his treats because he is sneaky! Last year I got a great deal on some treats right around BF and wrapped them and put them in the totes with the other gifts. A few days before x-mas I pulled all the gifts out to check I had everything but I kept the treats put away because I knew he would try to eat them! Well, after checking my list I stacked all the gifts and covered them with a blanket and put 2 empty boxes on top. My kids and I went to the store for about 30 min and when I came home I wanted to cry! My dog knocked the boxes off, pulled the blanket off and tried to eat any gift that smelled like his treats! I know this because every gift he tore open had been in the tote with his treats!! Ok, so dogs have a great sense of smell and I learned a hard lesson! LOL
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