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Everything posted by mcwalker

  1. 12 months, 12 posts! And welcome to October and fall season.
  2. Welcome to September and cooler temperatures. Well, Delta did interfere. We cancelled the trip to Europe two days before departure due to concern that my daughter might not get back on time for the start of her senior year of college if she got a positive COVID test. So we took a nice car trip to North Carolina, Charleston, Savanna, and St. Augustine and the Roanoke area.
  3. Happy August! Two weeks of work for me, then off to Europe for 2 weeks of vacation. Keeping my fingers crossed that Delta (the variant, not the airline) does not interfere.
  4. Happy July everyone. Nice to see a rocket launch at Kennedy Space Center, too, if you can time it. Check the KSC or SpaceX website if you will be in the Orlando area. Many years ago I was travel working in Miami and took a day off and drove up for a Friday morning space shuttle launch. Just a few years ago I was in Orlando for just a couple of days and got up around 3 am and drove over to see a night launch of a smaller rocket. The best to see right now would be a Falcon Heavy, with two booster landings, if you can find one.
  5. Good. I hope this stays. Stores don't need to be open Thanksgiving, and don't lose sales if all of them are closed that day.
  6. Glad to see this. Actually better than before, as it looks like they will close the 24-hour stores, too.
  7. I am ready for some summer weather, especially after a mostly cool and rainy Memorial day weekend. I did get to see the air show at Jones Beach, Long Island that I go to almost every Memorial Day weekend, which was rescheduled to occur on Memorial Day for the first time (it is usually on Saturday and Sunday only). And speaking of Memorial Day, I made plans and booked flights over the weekend to visit the beaches of Normandy in August, as part of a two week trip to Europe. Looking forward to a nice summer.
  8. Happy May. Enjoying springtime! Just made my first plane flights in more than a year (NY LaGuardia to Dallas Love Field) over the weekend for a quick trip to visit my parents in Fort Worth.
  9. BREAKING NEWS: Black Friday is cancelled this year! (April Fools.)
  10. March means daylight is getting longer and we are heading toward spring.
  11. Welcome to February. Enjoying the view of all the snow here in New York City.
  12. Happy New Year. Hoping for a better 2021 (and things are looking up already).
  13. Welcome December. For the first time in years, I slept in late on Black Friday and didn't get to a store until early afternoon. Wasn't looking for much and got what I wanted. I wish stores would stay closed on Thanksgiving going forward, (as they did until recently) but not much confidence that will happen.
  14. After considerable research, I just bought the LG 35" Class Ultrawide Curved WQHD HDR10 Monitor that appears on page 16 of the Costco ad for $399, with free shipping. ​I wasn't necessarily looking for a Black Friday deal, came to this one through other searches, then realized it was in the ad. If you are looking for a 34" to 35" ultra wide monitor, this one is a great choice for many people and the best price for this model. LG model number is 35WN65C-B (not shown in Costco ad).
  15. "I'm Here"
  16. Note that the bold face prices shown in the ad already include the 30% coupon discount for those items where it is applicable.
  17. I voted this evening at Queens Borough Hall (in New York City) with my wife and 19 yo daughter. We waited 45 minutes and were done in an hour. A clerk at Walgreens saw my "I Voted Early" sticker and told me that she had waited 3 hours at the same location when she voted.
  18. Today is the first day of in-person early voting in New York. I heard a report of lines here in Queens. I plan to early vote in-person early next week, after the initial rush is over, but well in advance of election day.
  19. I am not as focused on it as in past years, checking at least once a day though. As Brad notes, with more emphasis on spreading things out, individual ads are less prominent. Retailers have been using the "Black Friday" label for events that aren't on or around Black Friday for some time, but they will do it even more this year, as evidenced by the first two Walmart Black Friday events (which I note Brad put in the "Additional Sales" group. Only the third is actually on Thanksgiving week. However, if you check the past years release of ads here: https://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/Dates, you see that we are actually just at the start of when ads normally come out each year. Who would have guessed that the first real BF ads posted would be Dell Home and Dell Technologies (on October 15)? Regular contenders Harbor Freight, True Value, and Half Price Books have not appeared yet, but will probably have ads. Another change this year is the demise of BFAds https://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/Story/18197/Welcome-Former-BFAdsnet-Visitors. In past years, quite a few of the early "leaked" ads came to GottaDeal (and other sites) via that site. It is not clear yet whether people who leaked ads to them will leak to another site now (hopefully GottaDeal). If you are reading this and have early access to an ad, send it to GottaDeal at https://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/SubmitAd.)
  20. I'll bet he even makes you work past midnight! What a Scrooge! As a consolation, you can take January, February, and March off next year.
  21. It has always been broadcast live. As Brad mentioned, I would guess that at least one day of elements will be filmed before Thanksgiving (maybe Thanksging eve?) and spliced. That could be done somewhere other than Herald Square, which is busy the day before Thanksgiving. Then maybe film live on Thanksgiving Day at Herald Square and splice in acts from the previous days filming. It would be a bit like the New Years eve broadcasts that splice in some pre-recorded acts between live performances and hosts. I wonder too. They could limit access to some streets around Herald Square on Thanksgiving morning and wherever the other day's filming occurs. Probably still possible for intrepid viewers to get some glimpses, but not a very good experience and without advertising they can keep the numbers low. I (usually) work one block away from Herald Square (across from the other end of the Macy's store) and might have wandered over to see what is going on, but will probably be out of town as we usually make brief trips for Thanksgiving (and I have not been working in the office anyway(. Although New York CODID-19 numbers are climbing slightly now in early October, they have been lower than much of the country for months. New Yorkers learned our lesson and have been better (not perfect) at following mask guidelines than much of the country (including places that I traveled to this summer).. Masks aren't perfect, but they work. In any case, its not a good year to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in person, but come next year and join the crowds. I have been two or three times and it is a lot of fun!
  22. We don't start decorating until after Thanksgiving, as I like to keep the holidays separate. This year my wife and daughter want to visit family in Kentucky for an extended time in December, in part due to my daughter's changed college schedule and just to get out of the city, but I will probably stay home longer and join them just before Christmas. So we will probably do little or no decoration at home (no tree) this year. So here is my decoration for this year:
  23. Yay! I won. Thanks, Brad.
  24. No specific budget for me. I look at the deals and decide what is worth buying, either as a gift or for myself. I often postpone some purchases to see if a good deal appears on Black Friday, but I don't have any specific items on that list yet this year.
  25. And remember: 5% off any price on the spot (better than "cash back") with their Target Red Cards. And always free shipping with a Red Card. Don't shop Target without one!
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