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Everything posted by mcwalker

  1. I bought a Basic Essentials (BE) set with glass tops at Kohls on Black Friday and we are pleased with it. I would describe it as medium weight. It is made by the same firm as Phillipe Richard, but is much sturdier. I personally like the handle styling and material better than the Farberware Classic, but that is a matter of taste. :)
  2. Note: Costco is changing their return policy right now! They have been loosing $millions due to unscrupulous use of the liberal return policy. See link below. http://www.baltimoresun.com/business/bal-bz.costco01mar01,0,6428271.story?coll=bal-business-headlines There is also a thread on this over at fat wallet, but GD won't let me paste that one or even use their name.
  3. Thanks for the thread. Rite Aid is closer to me than CVS, and next to my train station, so I stop by there a lot more. I have done a few rebates in the past, but was never systematic about it.
  4. Go to "Find a Store" and find one near you, then click on "In Store Specials". The circular will appear. The Free Sharpie deal will appear in the bottom right corner. Circulars also available in stores. I picked up a pack at my Staples in Queens NY today. Package looks slightly different, but it is valid and I have submitted for the rebate online. You will pay only tax on $5.99 after rebate.
  5. Found the site through the Black Friday page, now I am becoming a regular visitor.
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