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Everything posted by mcwalker

  1. I am somewhat undecided on the midnight openings versus opening early in the morning on BF. But I do not think stores should open (or even be allowed to open) on Thanksgiving Day (midnight to midnight). Clearly, essential services must be provided on Thanksgiving, but no non-essential services should be active. It isn't really related to what workers make or how they are paid--we should all take a break from work and from shopping. In fact, I would suggest the following (as a law if necessary): On Thanksgiving Day, only "essential" items should be sold, including medications, food, gas and related items. For the most part, only some grocery stores, restaurants, drug stores, gas stations, transportation services would be open (and be restricted from selling some classes of items). The following day (BF) should also be part of the official (federal) Thanksgiving Holiday. The government, stock markets, banks, and all non-essential businesses should be closed. For years, my employer, like financial businesses, was open on BF, but I always took time off (because I was traveling to be with family--never to shop). But, of course, stores should be open!
  2. Looks like we are coming to the point where we should start seeing something every couple of days, and every day next week.
  3. I got my daughter one of the original style on BF at Target a few years ago. She tried it a couple of times, but hardly ever used it. Got rid of it within 6 months. Wonder what the new ones use as a heating element, that is also safe for kids? An incadescent light bulb is an extremely inefficient heater (because it makes a lot of light), and not incidentally, a very innefficient light (because it makes quite a bit of heat).
  4. In case anyone is interested, the "Free Digital Video Camera" that Macy's is offering with $65 Fragrance Purchase is a Sylvania model Dv1100bk (black) or Dv1100rd (red). These go for $15 (red on Amazon) to around $25. 640 X 480 resolution. Don't expect great video, maybe a novelty gift for a child.
  5. I like the good, and sometimes great, deals I get on Black Friday. And as long as things remain civil (which for the most part they do), I like the "adventure" of working through the lines and stores to get the deals. (No, really.)
  6. Note also from further down in the Press Release: "Editor's Note: Most stores open at midnight, though some locations may vary. A complete list will be available prior to Thanksgiving." So check on your store just to be sure. And also, on a BF press page also referenced in the release, it says: "See below for a selection of Macy's Black Friday deals with more to be released each week to Macy's fans via Facebook beginning October 31." Just in case you are that desperite to find out...
  7. What effect will earlier openings have on "doorbuster hours?" Let me explain what I mean: Doorbuster hours have typically been from opening (5-7 AM) until around noon time. Will doorbuster hours now be 12 hours or longer, still from opening to around noon on Friday? "Hot" doorbuster items (limited supply at extra low prices) will always sell out in minutes or a bit longer after opening. However, I have often gotten doorbuster items that were in supply much longer (a few hours or longer), or didn't sell out (clothes, shoes, household items, etc. with doorbuster deals). A couple of times, I just ran out of time to get to some of these lesser items before doorbuster hours expired. If the doorbuster hours are now much longer, there will be more time to get to these items after the initial rush for hotter items (if you have the stamina to keep going). I don't recall what Toys-R-Us did last year (except that they didn't seem to have many doorbuster items that didn't sell out fairly quickly, so they could have sold more if they had had the stock and wanted to sell at that price). I also hope that the Walmart procedure will not be repeated or copied by other stores. Any thoughts? :) (Does this make sense?)
  8. Hey, it is October 28, where is the Sears ad? (Just kidding.)
  9. Might be me alone this time, or I may have 19 year-old nephew along who has joined me in past years. Usually pick up my wife later in the morning to hit Kohl's, but might try to get her to line up with her sister at a store spearate from me this year. We'll see.
  10. I highly recommend that you do visit one or more outdoor shops where you can see items on display before you buy, even if they are an hour and a half away. Look at the items and talk to the staff, who are often campers themselves in the beter stores. Take notes on the items (exact model numbers) that you think will serve your needs. Then you will be better equipped to shop on BF or online. I wouldn't discount Coleman just yet and note that Coleman has outlet stores in 11 locations--check here to see if one is near you: http://www.coleman.com/coleman/campcoleman/default.asp
  11. I think this is a fair deal, as you can always find something you need at walmart to spend the refund money on. I hope they do the "live" price matching as well (which I have never used, but lets see). What these "price match after the sale" deals count on is that most people won't actually spend much time checking prices for items they already bought--they are onto other things--and will generally only notice if they happen to see an ad for the item even though they are not looking (and some others won't actually make the effort to get the refund, especially if it is small. So the key is to keep monitoring ads and sales, even for items you have already purchased, while you are busy shopping for other things.
  12. Note that not only are BF ads excluded, but all "limited time" ads from competitors are excluded--i.e. Doorbuster type sales on any day. Remember to always keep your recipts and your best option may be to buy something at a lower price if you find it, then return the Walmart (or other store) purchase. This works best when you use credit cards as you may not even pay for the purchase before the return credit appears on the statement.
  13. Really looks like we are moving to all night BF shopping (for those not already doing that). Kohls is usually my favorite "later in the BF morning" store. This is the store that I usually go to after going back home to pick up my wife who has not done the overnight stuff, but still within Doorbuster hours. Not sure what this would do for me until I see the ad and talk to wife, who has been talking about doing the early morning with other familiy members this time.
  14. Note: Many items available online as instant savings, but also note that items on last pages are ONLINE at BJs.com ONLY starting 11/23 through 11/28.
  15. I don't like the midnight openings. Last year I shifted gears at the last minute and went into a Toys R Us after midnight. The long delay there produced little and through off my routine. Not planning to do a midnight opening this year, but will decide when I see all the lists and opening times.
  16. Sounds like you just did! (Put down the DSC-P10.) Also, unfortunately, cell phone cameras, while ubiquitous, have really depressed the quality of our collective photos and given a lot of people a bad idea of what a good photo looks like. I have never seen a cell phone camera that takes photos that can even be classified as "good." The problem isn't their megapixel ratings, it is the gross inadequacy of the lenses to capture images worthy of the megapixels they are recording.
  17. tinkrbel: Be sure to check back later once we have filled in the BF Cameras comparison chart. In the meantime, a quick search indiates that the dsc-p10 does not have image stabilization (it may have predated that feature which is now common on digital cameras). A few reviews I saw suggest that that camera was even more prone to blur than others, but as I discovered when I made the transition to digital, digital cameras are just inherrently more prone to blur, thus the development of image stabilization. Be sure to get a camera with image stabilization if you buy a new one one for them. Check back later once we see what is offered.
  18. Photo 1: Well, at least it isn't snowing! Photo 2: Are you sure you want to open this? Photo 3: I can't believe it is 4:15 in the morning and I am standing in a checkout line!
  19. As for traffic, it is generally lighter on Thanksgiving because most truckers and other business traffic are off the roads. Road constrcution projects also stop for the holiday and generally leave as many lanes open as possible. As someone pointed out, the difference between 7% and 9% tax isn't enough to worry about--and I am sure that most parts of Texas (where I grew up and family still lives) are lower than 9%. If you must be on the way, consider doing shopping in Florida panhandle or somewhere else along the way, then finish the drive friday afternoon. Better yet, just enjoy whatever you are going to Texas for on Thanksgiving, do your BF shopping near Houston, and head out friday afternoon.
  20. I agree that it is worth spending a few more dollars to get lifetime maps. That should still be available under $99. You might also consider lifetime traffic. I bought a TomTom (another good brand) without lifetime maps or traffic a few years ago thinking "how often does the road network actually change, anyway." The vast majority of roads do stay the same for decades, but over time you will find new or reconfigured sections. I also figure the updates allow corrections for mapping mistakes to get to the unit, and there are more of those than there are new roads. I am now considering buying a new, and slightly larger unit with lifetime maps and traffic. The benefit of traffic is that it receives data on live traffic conditions and recalculates the fastest route and more accurately predicts arrival times. The final thing to consider is the size of the screen measured diagonally. The larger the better as this makes the unit easier to read and should mean less distraction from the road trying to see something on the unit while driving. Small units are 3.5", medium are 4.3, and large are 5"+.
  21. Saving to buy toys On our gottadeal.com Happy Black Friday (Written by my 10 year-old daughter.)
  22. I will either be in Long Island, NY (the Nassau Hub area, relatively close to where I live in Queens) or else in Lancaster or Harrisburg PA (where we may be visiting inlaws). Update: It looks like it will be Long Island NY Nassau Hub area again this year.
  23. As many have said, the key is to use credit cards wisely. Make the cards work for you, not you working for the credit card company. Rule number 1: Never buy anything with a credit card that you can't pay for IN FULL when the next monthly bill comes due. (And really, don't buy anything with a credit card that you don't already have the money in the bank to pay for today, with enough left over to pay rent, buy groceries, and other necessities.) So you may ask, what is the point of having/using credit cards if not to borrow money and buy things you can't afford today? There are a few reasons: -Convenience: you don't have to carry as much cash, go to ATMS as often, deal with change as much. -Security: you don't have as much cash to get stollen or accidentally drop (which happens more often than people realize, I think) -Discounts associated with specific cards such as Target (always 5% off instantly); or JC Penney, Macy's, and Kohls which have periodic discounts only for using their cards. -Points and cash back programs for Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express (but consider annual fees and generally get cards with no annual fee). -Buyers assurance programs, that pay you for items charged to the card that fail after the warranty expires or if they are broken or stolen within a certain time period. By the way, airline points are generally worth about 1 cent per point if used wisely. Use that or a lower number for calculating the value of points programs. Regarding the two cards that you got, this is a good start if you use them wisely, and contrary to what one person said, these will be good for your credit rating as long as you pay them consistently--NEVER miss a payment. But, as far as I know, neither of those offers you specific benefits and they are only good at those stores. I would suggest that as soon as you qualify, get a no-fee Mastercard, Visa, or Discover, which can be used most anywhere, preferably with some points or cash back. Then get only no-fee cards with a specific benefit, like the 5% discount at Target, and cancel the two you have now. Another trick I often use is: some cards are offered with no annual fee for the first year (but earn points or cash back). I use these for a year, then cancel them. (My credit rating is still excellent because I never miss payments and have no runnning credit card debt.) As for debit cards, these are good for controlling your spending and are a good choice for many people. I have a couple of issues with them though--most importantly if someone charges to them fraudulently, the money comes right out of your bank account and you have to work to get it back. With a credit card, you never loose anything if it is reported before the bill is paid (and probably get it back later, too). They also don't offer some of the legal protections that credit cards do and don't generally have the point or cash back benefits (with some expceptions that are more limited than credit cards). Finally, check out Gottadeal's (Brad's) credit card site to find good cards and compare the details: http://www.bettercreditcard.com/
  24. On the 720 versus 1080 question, I agree that people too often discount 720 for the higher resolution 1080, even though 1080 may not benefit them given their TV size and viewing distance. In fact, I have the cable box connected to my 1080p 40" LCD set to output only 720p because the TV "hickups" each time you change from a 720 input to a 1080 input while surfing channels. But my Blu-ray player is still set to output at 1080p. That said, the general advice is that 1080 may be beneficial for 40 inch TVs and larger (and certainly from the 50" range and up) as long as you are viewing at a distance that is optimal for your screen size. Also note that all Blu-ray disks are 1080i or p and that if you plan to use the TV also as a monitor for a computer or for surfing the web, then there is a definite advantage to 1080, which is actually lower resolution than your computer monitor.
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